A Glossary of Allergy Terms

Every third person has an allergic reaction to certain substances – and the trend is rising. And not only the number of people affected, but also the names for various forms of allergy, symptoms and treatment options are sometimes becoming more and more cryptic. The Tolfioow allergy ABC clarifies the most important terms.

At least one in four Germans now suffers from a wide variety of allergies or intolerances. And allergies in children are becoming more and more common. In the case of an allergy, it is particularly important that you know what you are allergic to. This is the only way to avoid triggers and prevent an allergic reaction.

In our big ABC, we explain all the important terms on the topic of allergies:


In principle, any natural or chemical substance can cause an allergic reaction. The substances with which this happens are called allergens. They trigger an exaggerated immune response to the harmless substance. Natural allergens are almost always proteins.

allergy pass

At worst, an allergic reaction to insect bites or a drug allergy can be life-threatening. Those affected should carry an allergy card with them so that the right reaction can be taken immediately in an emergency. You can obtain forms from your dermatologist, allergist or on the Internet (eg from the PVS patient service ).


The attacks in this chronic inflammation of the airways can be triggered by non-specific (endogenous asthma) or allergic stimuli (extrinsic asthma). A mixed form is also common. In allergic asthma, other allergic diseases such as neurodermatitis or hay fever usually exist before or at the same time .

Read all about allergic asthma in our article >>


The pollen of this tree has a very high allergy potential. In order to be able to avoid them and other pollen as best as possible, or to stock up on medication, people suffering from hay fever can find out on the Internet when and where there is a lot in the air .

blood count

For a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor can test the blood for hypersensitivity of the immune system. If there are elevated levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE), this indicates an immediate allergic reaction.


The bad reputation of the highly effective anti-inflammatory drug dates back to the days when it was used carelessly. Today we know that with short, targeted use, none of the dreaded side effects occur. As an emergency drug in an extreme allergic case, anaphylactic shock, cortisone saves lives.


Another term is hyposensitization . With this specific immunotherapy, the immune system should gradually get used to the allergy-triggering substance. For three years, the doctor injects an extract of the allergen every month and increases the dose. The health insurance company bears the costs. Over time, the extreme defense reactions become weaker and weaker. Treatment can prevent a floor change (see next point).

floor change

If an allergy worsens and, for example, allergic asthma is added to hay fever, the disease has spread to other “levels” of the body. In this case it has migrated down from the nose into the bronchi. Those affected should therefore take the disease seriously and take appropriate measures: consistently avoid the triggers or start desensitization with the doctor ( see previous point ).

particulate matter

The ultrafine particles in the air amplify the allergic reactions triggered by pollen. This is what scientists at the Allergy Center at the Charité in Berlin found out. The main causes of particulate matter include emissions from power plants, heating systems and road traffic, especially from diesel engines.


The types of grain wheat, spelt, rye, barley and oats contain this so-called “glutinous protein”. Only about 0.5 percent of people in this country suffer from the autoimmune disease celiac disease, a disease of the small intestine that is based on an intolerance to this substance. It leads to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and reduced nutrient absorption. So it is not a classic allergy.


From around April to August, the flowering meadow grasses let their highly allergenic pollen blow through the air: hay fever season! In order to reduce the pollen load, those affected should only wear it early in the morning and late in the evening

Here you will find tips on how you can enjoy apples even if you suffer from allergies . 

air and wash your hair before going to bed. Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) often occurs in pollen allergy sufferers: After eating pome fruit, e.g. B. apples, they feel a furry, itchy feeling in the mouth ( cross allergy ).

House dust

Dust mite faeces, which crumble into dust , are a common trigger for allergies. The tiny little arachnid likes to cavort in the warm, humid climate of our beds. People who are allergic to house dust should wash their bedding regularly or switch to special allergy-friendly linen straight away. In addition, we recommend that the critters are best driven away with a herbal spray (e.g. ” Milbopax mite spray “).

skin care

Typical signs of an allergy on the skin : redness and itching, it becomes dry and cracked. With special creams and lotions you support the natural protective function of the skin so that no more allergens or germs can penetrate (e.g. “ Eubos Omega 3-6-9 Hydro Activ ”).

immune system

The body forms immunoglobulins (IgE) to render allergens harmless. Allergy sufferers produce too many of these antibodies. This leads to increased release of histamine and serotonin, which triggers inflammation in the tissue. The result: itching, swelling, eczema.


Useful for allergic asthma; the device nebulizes the healing agent so finely that it gets deep into the bronchi when inhaled and can dilate them again.

insect bites

In addition to the painful swelling at the injection point, an allergy to insect venom can cause chills, vomiting and circulatory collapse. Experts advise desensitization. Antihistamines and adrenaline sprays help acutely.


The main symptom of an allergy. When the body overreacts, it releases more histamine. This messenger triggers the itching. Antihistamines block its receptors so that the effect is absent or diminishes (e.g. in ” Fenistil “). Since allergy-prone skin also tends to be dry, it always needs rich skin care.

Contact allergy

This allergy is characterized by a special feature: it only occurs at the point where the skin came into contact with the trigger. Metals such as nickel (e.g. in costume jewellery) or problematic substances in textiles or cosmetics are usually the possible culprits. If you have any suspicions, the doctor can identify the allergen so that contact can be avoided in the future.

See our article for more information on contact allergy >>


Sometimes the immune system confuses allergens that are very similar. For example, if it is sensitized to birch pollen, it will also react during the maple blossom. However, cross-reactions not only occur between different types of pollen, but very often also in combination with the consumption of certain foods, e.g. B. hazelnuts, celery, stone and pome fruit or tomatoes.

More information on cross-allergy >>

food intolerance

Gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance are not allergies. “Real” food allergies usually occur parallel to hay fever (cross-allergy). Tip: Allergy sufferers can tolerate some fruit and vegetables very well – peeled or cooked. So you don’t have to do without it completely.

Mallorca acne

This special form of sun allergy occurs when UV rays on the skin react with emulsifiers, fats and other substances from sun care products and a pustular inflammation develops on the hair follicle. It is best to use gels or sprays that are free of grease and emulsifiers as sun protection.

drug allergy

They are supposed to make us healthy, but sometimes the body reacts allergically to certain drugs. The most common triggers are antibiotics, painkillers or anesthetics. If a rash develops, you should discontinue the drug immediately. The doctor then has to find a new one that you tolerate better.


Antihistamines weaken the allergic reaction. But some preparations make you tired. Active ingredients of the second generation (eg cetirizine) no longer cause this side effect thanks to their different chemical composition.

nasal spray

Because of the annoying cold symptoms, the obvious thing to do is to use a nasal spray. It is best to look out for drugs without a sedative effect (tiredness). Purely plant-based preparations (e.g. “ WELEDA hay fever spray ” with table salt and extracts from quince and lemon) also have no side effects.


Allergies are among the triggers of neurodermatitis , a chronic skin disease that progresses in phases. Genetic factors, mechanical stimuli and stress on the psyche also play a role. People with neurodermatitis suffer from extremely dry skin, with flare-ups of eczema and severe itching. Therefore, skin care is also of great importance.

nickel allergy

Already experienced? Your beautiful new earrings are leaving your earlobes hot, bright red and itchy? A nickel allergy (also through glasses frames, buttons, belt buckles) is one of the most common contact allergies. About every tenth woman can sing a song about it.

Without additives

Preservatives, colorings or fragrances – the range of additives in our food (“E numbers” on the list of ingredients), in cosmetic products or cleaning agents can be quite long. In particularly sensitive people who already suffer from several allergies, these substances often trigger allergy-like symptoms. Switch to alternatives that are as natural as possible.

pollen allergy

The most common form of allergy worldwide is related to bee pollen. The symptoms appear “only” in the pollen season of the affected plant, eg grass or birch. But it is getting longer and longer: In mild winters, the pollen count begins as early as January and can last until October. The allergy is often not limited to a single trigger (cross-allergy).


An allergy represents an enormous psychological burden for those affected and their relatives. On the other hand, unresolved conflicts can also be considered as psychosomatic triggers, for example in neurodermatitis. Concomitant therapy can change attitudes towards the disease and reduce allergy symptoms. Those affected should avoid stress as much as possible or consciously reduce it.


Allergic diseases of the skin with itchy, mosquito bite-like wheals fall under the term hives (urticaria). If the allergic reaction takes place in the deeper layers of the skin, severe swelling occurs, mainly on the face. This Quincke’s edema (angioedema) does not itch but can cause shortness of breath if it occurs on the tongue or throat.

Similar to autoimmune diseases, our immune system is permanently hyperactive when there is underlying inflammation. With a lifestyle change, you can relieve the immune cells.


Almost half of us are “sensitized” to certain substances. This means that this person carries antibodies that trigger an extreme immune response when they come into contact with the allergen in question. In the Type I reaction (accounting for 90 percent), symptoms present themselves almost immediately (e.g., hay fever ). A delayed reaction within 6-72 hours characterizes contact allergy (type IV).


Under certain conditions, for example if you have already exhausted all outpatient therapy options, you can apply to the insurance company for medical rehabilitation measures with your doctor. Ideal: In the climate of the North Sea or the high mountains, allergy symptoms subside particularly well.


Only the predisposition to allergies can be inherited, but not a specific allergy. The greatest risk is when both mother and father have the same allergy. Then the baby’s risk of developing an allergy later is 60 – 80 percent. Long breastfeeding (at least six months) and immunotherapy (desensitization) can prevent this. It may also be continued during pregnancy without increasing the dose.

spontaneous healing

It actually happens that allergies go away on their own. This often happens in childhood before puberty. But even in adults, there is a possibility that the known triggers suddenly no longer cause severe symptoms. Experts are still brooding over the causes of this ( see also item “XY unresolved” ).


Allergy symptoms intensify under high physical and emotional stress. This is mainly because stress damages the adrenal glands. You can then no longer produce sufficient hormones such as cortisol (the body’s own cortisone). But the body needs this to slow down an allergic reaction.

animal hair

Dog, cat, mouse – vacation on a farm or getting a pet is not an option for everyone. About ten percent of the population feel the typical symptoms of an animal dander allergy as soon as they approach an animal. It is not the hair or fur that causes the symptoms. Rather, the problematic protein structures are found in the saliva, dander and urine of the animals.


The factors that can intensify an allergy or trigger an acute flare-up (trigger) include not only stress but also the climate (e.g. cold air or extreme heat), mechanical stimuli, infections, tobacco smoke or scents. Those affected should avoid contact with it as well as with the actual allergens as far as possible.


The difference between an allergy and an intolerance lies in the involvement of the immune system. Only when a substance triggers an excessive reaction of the body’s defenses is it actually an allergy. Food intolerances are far more common, especially when it comes to food. Best example: gluten.


In principle, allergy sufferers have a great opportunity to remain spared from the symptoms: They “only” need to avoid contact with the allergen. This may work well for a horse allergy. But the pollen buzzing in the air is difficult to escape. Particularly common: Cross allergies add up to the number of triggers. Nevertheless, those affected should know the substances that are problematic for them (an allergy test at the dermatologist will unmask them) in order to be able to reduce their symptoms.


You should start desensitizing well before the start of hay fever season. Then your immune system shows more tolerance when the pollen starts flying. Otherwise your only choice is to alleviate symptoms – with medicines from the pharmacy or homeopathic remedies.


Neurodermatitis sufferers could literally jump out of dry skin if their clothing itches. But many fabric softeners are bursting with harmful fragrances. You can enjoy soft laundry without regrets if you use products that do not contain dyes or fragrances (e.g. “ Ecover Zero Fabric Softener ”). This is also a good tip for detergents and cleaning agents.

XY Unsolved

Doctors call it tolerance induction when the immune system suddenly no longer fights certain substances. The spontaneous healing is probably related to the change in immune-active cells and their messenger substances. These changes can be documented. But why this happens remains a mystery to this day.

cytotoxic reaction

In this rare type of allergy, the antibodies that are hastily formed by the body mistakenly attack not only the substance identified as the invader. In addition to destroying the allergen, they also destroy the body’s own cells (e.g. thrombocytes or erythrocytes in the blood) and surrounding tissue. This phenomenon occurs when taking medication or after transfusion of mismatched blood type, and then destroys red blood cells.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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