How to Treat With Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can be treated well with home remedies or over-the-counter medicines from the pharmacy. We will show you which means are well suited.

Go ahead and cry! If you like it dramatic – please do. This is another way to get rid of “dry eyes” . But for the 20 percent of Germans who suffer from the so-called sicca syndrome ( burning, red eyes and tired eyes in the evening , feeling of grain of sand), there are more elegant solutions (see download) to regulate the reduced production or altered composition of tears. Especially since you would not be able to stop crying, especially in winter, when your eyes are exposed to dry heating air, biting cold and wind.

Stress, staring at the PC for a long time, contact lenses and the menopause are also frequent triggers of the annoying symptoms. However, the sicca syndrome is not only about a “discomfort” of the eyes, but also about consequential damage and infections of the cornea.

That’s how you treat yourself

The diagnosis “dry eye” should always be made by the doctor, because he can rule out serious damage to the eye and other organic diseases that may be behind it. Only use medicines from the pharmacy after your doctor has diagnosed you. If these do not help within a week, the ophthalmologist can close the tear punctum, through which the tear fluid drains, with a tiny stopper. This leaves more tear fluid on the eyeball.

The best home remedies

Gently stroke your index finger vertically from the inside outwards across the upper eyelid in the direction of the pupil, then across the lower eyelid. The massage stimulates the production of tear fluid. Or put a tablespoon of room-temperature quark on each of your closed eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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