The beauty cure with Schuessler salts

Our modern life, pollutants from the environment and too much stress attack our most beautiful dress. On the other hand, a beauty treatment with Schuessler salts helps.

Well over ten million Germans suffer from a skin disease, and every year 15,000 people develop eczema or skin allergies caused by toxins at work or pollutants in the home. The number of women with neurodermatitis is increasing by ten percent every year, and one in four women between the ages of 25 and 45 has acne . Triggers are stress, hormone fluctuations or medication such as antidepressants.

Constant dieting also affects the 110 billion cells in the skin and our hair. They are extremely sensitive to all of these factors. The result: you lose shine and elasticity, appear tired and saggy. A clear case for three beauty salts that work against pimples, wrinkles and split ends , but also for more serious problems such as eczema or hair loss – naturally and effectively.

Are you ready for the beauty cure?

If the answer is 2 yeses, you should pamper your skin and hair with a beauty treatment. Because apparently you are sensitive and are quickly stressed by environmental influences.

  • are you a pale type
  • Is your skin often rough, dry and blotchy?
  • Is your hair brittle, does it tend to split ends?
  • Do you suffer from thin and straggly hair that falls out easily?
  • Is your scalp often slightly scaly?
  • Do you tend to get pimples or even eczema under stress?
  • Did you get wrinkles prematurely without being in the sun too often and for too long?

Schuessler salts for the beauty cure

Nr. 1 Calcium fluoratum D12

The number 1 is particularly important for the supporting and connective tissue. It tightens and moisturizes the skin, strengthens the subcutaneous tissue and promotes elasticity. In this way, it prevents premature formation of wrinkles caused by weather influences and intensive solar radiation. At the same time, the protective shield of the skin is strengthened. Harmful germs can then no longer penetrate so easily.
The right dose: Dissolve 3 tablets in 1 cup of hot water in the morning. Drink in small sips – hold each sip in your mouth for a while. Alternatively: Let the tablets slowly dissolve in your mouth.
You should know that:During pregnancy, salt no. 1 can prevent the frequently occurring and unpleasant stretch marks (striae) on the abdomen. It works best in a combination with ointment no. 1.

duration of the cure

Pamper your skin and hair for four weeks with the Schuessler Beauty Trio. To support the skin result, you can also apply lotions no. 1 and no. 11 thinly in the morning and evening and massage in.

This Schuessler salt in particular regulates the fluid balance in the tissue. Dry and extremely stressed skin quickly regains its old suppleness and elasticity. Fine lines and wrinkles become smoother, painful cracks and chafing in the skin and skin problems in the sensitive knee joints or armpits disappear. All mucous membranes become wetter. And: Salt No. 8 makes rough lips nice and soft and smooth again.
The right dose: Dissolve 3 tablets in 1 cup of hot water at midday. Drink in small sips – hold each sip in your mouth for a while. Alternatively: Let the tablets slowly dissolve in your mouth.
You should know that: If you suffer from herpes, you should always have the ointment no. 8 at hand. It also relieves discomfortBee, wasp or mosquito bites .

Nr. 11 Silicea D12

The “anti-aging salt” smoothes the skin, promotes healthy growth of toenails and fingernails and slows down possible hair loss. The trace element also tightens tendons and ligaments, making the bones more resistant – this leads to an easier, more dynamic step and a more youthful appearance. It also reduces cellulite dimples on the thighs.
The right dose: dissolve 3 tablets in 1 cup of hot water in the evening. Drink in small sips – hold each sip in your mouth for a while. Alternatively: Let the tablets slowly dissolve in your mouth.
You should know that:An increased need for Silicea only becomes apparent after months or even years. Fingernails, for example, need around six months to regenerate – ugly grooves or dents become visible relatively late. This is why early, continuous intake is so important.

extra tips

Soft skin with pomegranate peeling

The pomegranate stimulates cell growth through plant estrogens, its bioactive substances prevent cell damage. Mix pomegranate peel flour with clay and pomegranate juice (all from a pharmacy) to a paste. Apply to the skin, massage in gently for about 2 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water.

Here is the recipe for a rich pomegranate face oil >>

Intensive hair treatment for volume and more shine

This healthy hair cocktail is easy to mix: mix together 1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 egg yolk, and 1 shot glass of beer. The treatment has a particularly intensive effect if it is massaged into slightly damp, unwashed hair and left on overnight. Rinse out in the morning and then wash your hair.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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