Scabies – Treatment, Symptoms and Prevention

They nest under the skin and multiply. Uncomfortable itching and reddening of the skin follow. It has been sufficiently proven that scabies are not the result of poor hygiene. Excessive hygiene is often what makes a clear diagnosis difficult. We looked at the feelers of the small arachnids and explain why scabies can spread rapidly even in hygienic societies.

Profile Scabies

Symptoms: Severe itching and reddening of the skin on the affected areas.

Treatment: Usually in the form of killing ointments. Since 2016, treatment with tablets has also been possible. 

Prevention: Avoiding contact with infected people is the best protection against infection. If you are staying overnight in someone else’s bed, it is advisable to bring your own bed linen.

From 2011 to 2016, the number of cases of scabies (also scabies or scabies) increased by 300 percent. Does that make us dirty people now? No, say doctors and scientists. Although the living conditions of the itch mites are more favorable in an unhygienic environment, those who wash regularly are not automatically safe. Because the small arachnids survive baths unscathed. The itch mite has specialized in humans and therefore has them as its only host. The parasite reaches a size of 0.3 to 0.5 millimeters, so it can just about be seen as a point with the naked eye. In those affected, the mite species lives in the upper layer of the skin. There the itch mite leaves feces, lays eggs and multiplies, which triggers the severe itching.

Imagine the following scenario: One could cure all people in Germany of scabies overnight and then everyone would wash themselves, their clothes and their bed linen regularly. Then scabies would probably have died out quickly. However, since this hypothetical case will never occur, we will probably have to deal with the problem of itch mites in the future. Biggest focus of disease: kindergartens, schools and old people’s homes. Hygiene in this case does not provide reliable protection. Rather, one should avoid contact with the persons concerned, or at least try to.

What is scabies in detail?

Scabies (also called scabies) is the term for a skin disease caused by the itch mite. It nests in the top layer of skin and multiplies there. The itch mite is therefore found where the epidermis is thinner and warmer, i.e. in the spaces between the fingers and toes, elbows, armpits, navel, buttocks, genitals, knee bends and the area behind the ears. They can also be found on the scalp of small children. They create long mite tunnels, which can also be seen under a magnifying glass. The females lay their eggs and their droppings in these tunnels. There are four forms of mite infestation:

  1. The neat scabies. The affected person practices high personal hygiene with use of creams and lotions. Due to the softening of the skin , the signs of the disease are particularly difficult to recognize here. Maintained scabies is the main reason why many people get infected nowadays. Even doctors often do not recognize the disease and thus make wrong diagnoses.
  2. The nodular scabies. A strong expression of red-brown nodules without mite infestation. The nodules can remain visible for months even after treatment.
  3. The Bullous Scabies. This is where blistering occurs. Children and young people are mostly affected.
  4. The bark scabies. It is completely different from the other forms. The affected person suffers from the formation of numerous scabs that can be up to 15 millimeters thick. The characteristic itching may be absent in this form.

On initial contact, it takes between two and six weeks for the classic symptoms of itching and reddened skin to appear. That’s how long it takes for our immune system to react to the infestation. If infected again, the symptoms can appear after a few days. Due to the severe itching, the affected people tend to scratch intensively, which not only gave the disease its name, but can also lead to further infections with bacteria. Therefore you should avoid scratching or (if there is no other way) use a nub ball. It relieves itching without hurting the skin.

Risk of infection low but high

While there are many myths about scabies, it’s actually quite difficult to contract. However, you should not misunderstand this. Scabies is highly contagious, but you have to do something about it. Because the little mites are anything but tough and agile. They die without human contact after a short time, taking a while to get from one person to the next. For example, it is not possible to become infected simply by shaking hands. The skin contact must take place over a longer period of time (several minutes).

Couples or parents are usually at high risk. Children bring itch mites home with them from kindergarten or school, in the evening they cuddle together in front of the television and it’s already over for the whole family or partner. An infection through infected bedding is possible, but rather rare because the little animals do not survive long enough. You would have to use the bed right after an infected person to get infected. The same applies to clothing.

Infected with scabies. What now?

If you’re infected with scabies, it’s not the end of the world. Nowadays, scabies can be treated very well and is usually cured without any consequential damage. Doctors prefer to prescribe a cream with the active ingredient permethrin. This ointment must be applied over a large area and left to work for between eight and twelve hours. It is then advisable to wash off the active substance thoroughly. Unaffected parents rubbing their children with permethrin ointment should wear gloves for their own safety. One treatment unit (which can take several days or weeks, depending on the severity of the infestation) is often sufficient to resolve the problem. Recently, there is also a treatment method with tablets.

Of course, the worn clothes and bed linen should be changed and washed afterwards. The washing temperature must be at least 60 degrees. During the treatment, the affected person should only leave the house or apartment in an emergency. Caution is advised in pregnant women and young children, as the preparation can lead to side effects. Itching and redness can still occur in the weeks that follow, although there are no longer any mites on the skin . This is mostly due to the body’s defenses trying to keep up the inflammatory response. It is advisable to apply a care cream that builds up the destroyed fatty layer of the skin.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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