You’re tough. Our teeth bite through hard and soft, sour and sweet things. They have been with us for many decades, firmly anchored in our jaws. And give us our most beautiful, radiant smile – ideally. The prerequisite for this is the right care and good dental care. Both should start in preschool. But that’s precisely where the problem lies. This is confirmed by the Dental Report 2012 of the Barmer GEK. This latest statistical data shows that only about one in three children under the age of six presents for screening. In the expert interview you can find out why this prophylactic treatment is so important and where the biggest tooth brushing reluctant people in Germany are to be found. But we also have good news for you: Modern high-tech processes and perfectly compatible biomaterials give you healthy teeth even at the age of 65 and even longer. Fear-free, pain-free. By the way, this year’s Dental Health Day on September 25 focuses on this target group under the motto “Healthy begins in the mouth – more enjoyment with 65 plus”.
Inspired by nature Scientists at the University of Jena have developed the biomaterial chitosan, which imitates the robust chitin in insect shells. In dentistry, the well-tolerated and long-lasting chitosan is said to be used as a jawbone replacement, filling material and firmly anchoring surface treatment of implants.
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All new in a few hours
Dentures to go? Sounds kind of dishonest. In fact, immediate implants are becoming more and more popular. The advantage: the diseased tooth is removed, an implant is placed and a crown is fitted in one session. Improved procedures protect the bone substance. 3D images ensure that the anatomical conditions are precisely reproduced. If you wish, you can be put into a twilight sleep during the procedure. “When the patients wake up, many think we haven’t even started yet,” says Dr. dr Martin Kestel from the Musenhof Dental Clinic, Deidesheim.
Toothache energized
A small device on the ear sends electrical impulses into the autonomic nervous system and thus interrupts the pain sensation. Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology have achieved this sensation. The technology is still being tested clinically. But many doctors are already working with TENS, an acupuncture-like electrical stimulation that makes a visit to the dentist almost painless.
Laser, water and ultrasound remove tartar in no time
Once a year, the professional tartar removal is paid for by the statutory health insurance companies. How painful this becomes depends on the method. Usual are e.g. B. sandpaper and ultrasound. A new feature is the pain-free treatment with a powder/water jet (airflow). And modern lasers offer the advantage of sealing pain-sensitive tooth necks at the same time. Ultrasound can also remove plaque in a targeted manner during daily dental care (e.g. the “Oral-B Pulsonic” sonic toothbrush, approx. 130 euros).
Proteins give the teeth a firm hold
Restoring instead of repairing – that is the most important motto of this year’s world’s largest periodontology congress in Vienna. More and more experts have to take care of the receding gums, because periodontal disease is increasing in western countries. It is the main cause of tooth loss, even before aging processes. One of the most promising new remedies are proteins extracted from tooth enamel. The resulting product (“Emdogain”) is applied to the root of the tooth and stimulates the tissue to grow.
Is supplementary insurance worth it?
Dentists have been able to bill significantly more since January 2012, but the fixed subsidy from health insurance is hardly increasing. Consequence : We have to dig deeper into our pockets, especially for high-quality dentures. Therefore, additional insurance can be worthwhile. Stiftung Warentest rated the best. DFV (Deutsche Familienversicherung), Ergo Direct and Neckermann were rated 1.0. The monthly price is around 30 euros. Important: In the first eight months after completion, most insurance companies do not give you any money.
“Computer anesthetic” instead of injection
In addition to the drill, there is an instrument of terror: the anesthetic syringe. With a new computer technology, anesthetic flows ahead of a cannula, pressure and delivery are controlled in such a way that the injection is not noticeable. , keyword “needle-free injection”. Also new is the intrasmodontal injection, which enables the anesthesia of individual teeth and takes away the unpleasant numb feeling in the mouth.
Photodynamic therapy: treat root inflammation very gently and safely
Fine nerve tracts run through the root tips. That’s why it hurts so incredibly when it comes to an infection there. In a traditional root canal treatment, the doctor widens and cleans the root canals and removes the inflamed nerve. Photodynamic therapy stains bacteria with blue light, on which laser light is directed, which stimulates the formation of active oxygen. Consequence: The germs are destroyed.
“Many Germans don’t like brushing their teeth”
This result is indeed shocking, because damage to the deciduous dentition also leads to damage to the permanent dentition. That must be of great concern to us.Did another result of the dental report surprise you?
Yes. City dwellers go to the dentist less often than the rural population, although the practice density is higher among them. And: In the east, people visit a dentist more often than in the west.How committed are we to dental care?
We are not characterized by special hygiene. In a European comparison, we are only in the middle.
Are there typical muffles about cleaning?
Yes, young men between the ages of 18 and 25 neglect their teeth the most. Women seem to be more health conscious in general. They also attend prophylactic examinations more frequently. But they get tooth decay a little more often than men. This is probably due to the pregnancies that are hard on the teeth – and their fondness for sweets.
Where are the biggest problems in the teeth themselves?
Definitely in the upper jaw. Apparently, the teeth below are better washed by the antibacterial saliva. So: clean the top particularly well.