Zinc deficiency – symptoms and treatment

Zinc is one of the essential trace elements because the human body cannot produce it itself. The mineral must therefore be supplied via drinks or food. We will tell you how you can recognize a zinc deficiency and when zinc tablets can be useful.

Zinc is one of the essential trace elements in the body because it cannot be synthesized by the body itself through metabolic processes. It must therefore be supplied to the body via an external source such as drinking water or food. In the body, it is involved in some important metabolic processes, which is why a zinc deficiency manifests itself through various symptoms such as brittle hair. A zinc deficiency does not require any special treatment by a doctor, as a rule, taking a special zinc-enriched preparation is sufficient.

Are zinc tablets useful in the event of a deficiency?

It is often not recommended to take micronutrients in tablet form. Rightly so, because in some cases the body cannot convert the substances. This is the case, for example, with fat-soluble vitamins, which cannot be absorbed by the body without the addition of fat. The situation is different with the mineral zinc. If a deficiency has been diagnosed by the doctor, the intensity of the deficiency depends on whether a preparation is recommended for taking or whether the deficiency can be compensated for through nutrition. Depending on the deficiency, a different dosage of the trace element is recommended. A suitable preparation to compensate for a zinc deficiency is available in different dosages from the shop pharmacy. The zinc contained here has a high bioavailability. This means that it can be easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

What foods contain zinc?

The valuable trace element is found in many different foods. Good sources of zinc are red meat, dairy products, various seafood, legumes, nuts and whole grains. That in animal foodsThe zinc contained is generally better usable by the body. Vegetables, cereals and nuts contain the active ingredient phytate, which binds the zinc and prevents optimal absorption of the trace element. People who are vegetarian or vegan are therefore more likely to suffer from a zinc deficiency than meat eaters. For risk groups, it is worth taking preventative supplements to cover the daily zinc requirement. Zinc intake should of course be based on personal needs. Taking too much zinc can also have negative effects. Experts recommend a maximum dosage of 25 milligrams of zinc per day.

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

If the body is not supplied with the necessary amount of zinc, the typical symptoms of a zinc deficiency arise. The metabolism no longer works properly and the immune system is weakened. Symptoms often only appear when the zinc deficiency is sufficiently pronounced. Typical symptoms include hair loss, loss of appetite, feeling unwell, skin problems, tiredness, exhaustion, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating , anxiety and depression. Of course, these symptoms can also occur due to other diseases. A clarification by the doctor is advisable before taking zinc preparations. Only a blood count can provide meaningful results.

How does a zinc deficiency develop?

There are several factors that can favor the development of a deficiency. The main causes of zinc deficiency are usually an unhealthy lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption and frequent consumption of highly processed foods. Taking certain medications can also interfere with the absorption of zinc in the body. In the case of chronic intestinal diseases such as diabetes or Crohn’s disease, the body generally has difficulty absorbing minerals and usually excretes them from the body undigested. The need for zinc can also increase as a result of strenuous work or intensive sport. If this is not covered by food, this can lead to a zinc deficiency.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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