Workout smartly

Do you continue or take a break if you have sore muscles? Stretching exercises before or after jogging? Always practice the same sport or vary it? Fitness tips contradict each other. Tolfioow debunks the biggest myths.

Despite sore muscles, I’m supposed to continue training the next day

Not correct. Sore muscles are caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibers. If you keep exercising, it can lead to inflammatory processes. Take it easy for a day or two so that the minor injuries can heal. However, a few gentle relaxation exercises, swimming or a short walk can stimulate blood circulation and thus promote the regeneration process.

Help from nature: Researchers at the University of Vermont in the US have proven that tart cherry juice helps against sore muscles. The best: The anti-inflammatory (anthocyanins) of the fruit not only accelerate regeneration, they also have a preventive effect. The effect lasts up to 4 days.
Take sore muscles seriously – they show you that you are overexerting yourself.
Tip : Warm baths (e.g. with stimulating rosemary) or contrast showers gently get the circulation going.

The more often and more intensively I exercise, the better

no “That’s true in general. But beginners in particular should not overdo it,” warns Professor Dr. Klaus-Michael Braumann, President of the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention and Head of the Institute for Sports and Exercise Medicine at the University of Hamburg. Excessive exertion risks health problems. “Increasing fatigue can impair coordination, which can lead to overuse problems such as knee pain, Achilles tendon irritation, etc. Sometimes too much training also triggers more colds due to a weakened immune system or sleep disorders.” It is better to take a day or two off before the next training session .
Tip:Check your pulse before you get up the day after your workout – if it’s higher than usual, it was too intense.

Exercising before breakfast burns the most fat

Yes, but: First the body uses the sugar in the blood and the sugar deposits. Since both are scarce in the morning, he goes to the fat deposits faster. However, the body needs carbohydrates to burn fat, so when you exercise on an empty stomach, it only does so until the carbohydrate stores are depleted. “And you can easily get hypoglycaemia,” warns Tina Heinrich. This leads to dizziness, weakness and cravings.
Tip: before training, mash a banana or a muesli bar or eat a yoghurt with fruit.

The right workout

Fat burning only starts after 30 minutes

Not correct. “Fat burning begins in the first minute of your training session,” says sports scientist Tina Heinrich, who heads the performance test center in Cologne. “However, it starts a little slower than the plundering of the carbohydrate stores, which takes place in parallel. The longer

Harzer Roller: This is how tasty you can fight sore muscles: The combination of white bread and sour milk cheese (e.g. Harzer Roller) regenerated muscles particularly quickly in a Cologne study. The key is the combination of carbohydrates and proteins.
If you exercise (at rather low intensities), the more effectively fat is burned.”
Tip: Fat metabolism works most effectively with easy endurance training and a rather low heart rate of 130 – only run or cycle fast enough to be able to hold a conversation. You can determine your individual value with a heart rate monitor.

If I have a cold, I should definitely stay in bed

no “At elevated temperatures,” and that starts at 37.0° C, emphasizes Prof. Dr. Braumann, “Sport is taboo. But if you only suffer from a slight runny nose, exercise in the fresh air can do you good and even speed up the healing process.”
Tip: After your workout, unwind with a relaxing bath of eucalyptus oil and thyme.

Be sure to stretch your muscles before exercising

Depends on. “Static stretching, i.e. exercises in which the stretching position is held longer, is of no use before sport because it tends to reduce muscle performance,” says sports scientist Tina Heinrich. “Dynamic stretching is better for warming up the body.” These are gentle, rhythmic exercises such as rocking movements. Post-workout stretching can help prevent injuries and sore muscles.
Tip: Easy walking for a few minutes or rhythmic jumping, e.g. B. on both legs from right to left, forwards and backwards.

It’s best for me to always train the same

Not correct. Jogging, for example, is an ideal form of fitness training, but the muscle strength in the upper body is neglected. And if you run the same distance at the same pace for weeks, your body gets used to the challenge – your performance stagnates. If you don’t want that, you can switch to other sports. Combinations that also train coordination, flexibility and relaxation are ideal.
Tip: If you like jogging, vary your pace and distance. In addition, you can For example, train your balance with quiet Tai Chi or Qigong lessons. And everyone who strengthens their muscles in the gym improves their mobility, e.g. B. with yoga exercises.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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