Wild garlic season: when does the delicious wild garlic grow?

The delicious, garlic-like wild garlic tastes wonderful in salads, but can also be used in an aromatic pesto. But when does the wild garlic season begin and end? We explain exactly when wild garlic grows.

Spring also marks the start of wild garlic season. Wild garlic is one of the best-known German wild herbs and is used for spreads, pesto, salads and sauces. The popular spring herb is characterized by its aromatic garlic-like taste. Because of this, it is also known as wild garlic. But wild garlic is not only delicious, but also healthy due to its ingredients.

Wild garlic season: when does wild garlic grow in Germany?

Depending on the region, the wild garlic season begins at the end of March. Then the delicious leaves can be harvested. The wild garlic season then ends with its flowering period at the beginning of May. Once the plant has flowered, it should not be eaten as it loses a lot of flavor after flowering.

Here you can find out when rhubarb is in season >>

Wild garlic: be careful when collecting it yourself

Since wild garlic is a very prolific plant, it can now be found not only in forests but also in parks. Many people go in search of the delicious herb themselves instead of buying it in the supermarket. However, caution is required here! Because of its appearance, wild garlic can easily be confused with the poisonous lily of the valley. So pay attention to the typical smell of garlic when picking it – for example, take a leaf between your fingers and rub it. When it comes to wild garlic, you can smell the typical garlic smell. To do nature a favour, you should always only take one or two leaves per plant with you so that they can regenerate again.

Here you will find a recipe for making delicious wild garlic pesto yourself >>

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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