What to do about morning sickness?

Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, many women suffer from the typical morning sickness. Here we tell you what helps and how you can survive the first few months without nausea and vomiting.

Morning sickness is often one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, this symptom is different in every woman and in fact not every pregnant woman experiences morning sickness. If you are one of those expectant mothers who have an upset stomach in the morning, you don’t have to worry. Morning sickness is a good sign and completely normal in the first three months of pregnancy.

Why am I so nauseous during pregnancy?

As a rule, the feeling of nausea is a natural protective mechanism of the body to flush out toxic substances by vomiting. During pregnancy, nausea is mainly caused by the sharply increased level of the pregnancy hormone HCG. This usually decreases again as soon as the third month of pregnancy is reached and the nausea disappears promptly.

When does morning sickness occur?

Expectant mothers often feel nauseous in the first trimester, especially between the 6th and 12th week of pregnancy and then especially in the morning hours right after waking up. Of course, there are also women who tend to struggle with discomfort in the stomach area in the afternoon or throughout the day – this varies greatly from woman to woman. If your nausea does not improve as the pregnancy progresses, or if you vomit very often, we recommend a visit to the gynecologist, as this may be hyperemesis gravidarum, a particularly severe form of morning sickness. Fortunately, this only happens very rarely. A famous example of this suffering is the Duchess Kate, who suffers greatly from her pregnancies.

What helps with morning sickness?

There are some tips that you, as an expectant mother, can follow to counteract or at least alleviate the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
  • Proper nutrition is an important issue during pregnancy. There are certain foods you shouldn’t eat. These include, for example, raw meat or raw fish. Raw milk products should also be removed from your diet. Cheeses such as Brie, Feta and Camembert can only be enjoyed again after pregnancy without hesitation. Here you will find comprehensive information on healthy eating during pregnancy .
  • When you vomit, your body loses a lot of fluid. Therefore, you should make sure that you always drink enough. Tea, for example made from ginger, is particularly effective against nausea. This also has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system. But be careful: You should only eat ginger in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it can promote contractions.
  • Take it easy on your stomach with several small portions that you eat throughout the day. In addition, this prevents your blood sugar level from dropping too much. Spicy foods are also often difficult to digest and put additional strain on the stomach.
  • Exercise in the fresh air can work wonders. Fixed routines also support well-being – a short walk in the morning gets your circulation going and awakens your spirits.
  • Bitter substances, such as B. found in rocket, grapefruit or artichokes, can also help with nausea. Many expectant mothers also report cravings for bitter foods. Give in to these cravings – your body knows best what it needs in this phase.
  • Acupuncture is a gentle and effective method of counteracting discomfort. The pressure on the Kei-Nuan point on the wrist is said to help with nausea.
  • Essential oils spread a pleasant scent and help you to relax. Just keep small bowls of water and a few drops of essential oil in your home.

Home remedies and medication for morning sickness

If the nausea during pregnancy is only mild, the tips or home remedies mentioned above can bring relief quickly. In some cases, however, there is frequent vomiting and extreme nausea, which should definitely be examined by your doctor. Folic acid tablets or supplements containing B vitamins often help to alleviate the symptoms. You can also get such preparations without a prescription in the pharmacy, but it is still advisable to consult a gynecologist so that the cause of the nausea can be treated in a targeted manner.

H1 antihistamines are also often prescribed to pregnant women to treat nausea and vomiting. However, antihistamines are known to be tiring, so it is best to only take them in the evening.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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