Grounding: What It Is, Benefits, Techniques, and More

Reduce stress, sleep better and draw more energy: A new trend from the USA wants to use the natural healing energy of the soil for our health.

Have you ever given serious thought to the ground beneath your feet? Probably not. Just catch up! Because you like pulsating sources of energy that can benefit your health enormously. That sounds crazy, but there is a lot to be said for it. What is certain is that we humans are electrically charged from head to toe. Each of our 70 trillion body cells is a small power plant. Heartbeat, respiration or body heat balance – allTolfioow information is passed from cell to cell via energy transfer.

The earth gives our body energy

Seen in this way, we are constantly energized, and the cosmos is an inexhaustible potential of natural energy. The surface of the earth occupies a special position. It is criss-crossed by a network of electrical currents whose vibrations match those of our body and set the pace, so to speak. More importantly, it gives us electrons. They are constantly released to the outside world, and we absorb them through direct contact with the earth. These invisible particles fulfill an important function in our body: they neutralize free radicals. These aggressive oxygen compounds age us faster, cause chronic inflammation and can even lead to cancer.

Stay on the healing earth

Unfortunately, according to Clinton Ober, author of the book “Earthing – Heilendes Erden”, we have long since disconnected from the earth: We wear shoes with insulating soles made of rubber or plastic and live in rooms without direct contact with the earth – according to Ober a disastrous development for our health. When we reconnect with the healing energy of the earth, Ober says, we can prevent disease . Quite simply like this: walk barefoot across the dewy meadow or dig your toes in the sand. He even recommends snoozing at night on a bed pad that’s grounded through the outlet.

Clinton Ober countered doubts with reports about the astonishing effect of the earthing method on the Tour de France. In the years 2003, 2005 and 2007, the professional cyclists relaxed every day after the race by walking barefoot. Everyone slept better afterwards, developed less frequent tendonitis and sores healed faster. Of course, we normal people should also benefit from the electron boost from the earth: the stress level drops, blood pressure stabilizes, headaches disappear, menstrual problems improve.

For long-term success and prevention, Earthing therapy should become an integral part of everyday life, says Clinton Ober. The method is not a miracle cure that cures all diseases , Ober restricts. But it would restore the body’s original electrical state. Only then could the heart, brain, nerves and immune system function properly, only then would we be healthy.


How to return your body to its basic harmony, Clinton Ober tells in “Earthing”. Healthy and full of energy with earth contact”, VAK Verlag, 286 pages, 16.99 euros

Mother Earth as medicine for the body

The fact that this goal can be achieved by walking barefoot or by direct skin contact is probably not immediately obvious to everyone. Clinton Ober has an explanation for this as well: Most people are unaware of their bioelectrical nature and energetic connection to the earth. As a result, they don’t realize that they’ve lost touch with the healing earth energy, and it doesn’t occur to them that many of their ailments stem from it.

Our tip:
Even if you only see the lawn under your feet as blades of grass and the beach as sand, just try out the new health trend. At least one thing has been scientifically proven so far: walking barefoot is super healthy. It trains the foot muscles, strengthens tendons and ligaments, improves body awareness and prevents colds through hardening – whether you believe in the biophysical connection or not.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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