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Use of the placenta already known in the Middle Ages
The placenta has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It should bring strength and health, protect against demons, strengthen the love between child and mother or bring eternal parental love. Their use in the production of medicines, the so-called nosodes, is by no means a modern invention. The resting child in the womb lies on the placenta, which is why historical terms such as “the bed of the child” can also be found. Some peoples still call them “soul brothers or soul sisters”. Until the end of the 18th century in Europe the placenta was considered the “other half of the child”. In the Middle Ages, the belief prevailed that the afterbirth nourishes the unborn child in body and soul. Hence the name “mother cake”, the Latin name placenta means cake.
The afterbirth – many uses
The placenta in a purely medical sense is a natural protection of the fetus from noise and shock. It is made up of maternal and embryonic tissue and weighs around 500 grams on average. The baby is nourished by the placenta and the placenta has a specific task at each stage of pregnancy. It is particularly important as a natural protection against invading germs and viruses. Once the newborn is born, contractions and pain may return. The afterbirth announces itself sometimes more or less strongly and in addition to the placenta, the amniotic sac (egg skin) and parts of the umbilical cord also leave the female body.
Plant a tree of life on the placenta
When giving birth at home, it was and is common in many regions to bury the placenta in the garden and plant a tree there. In pre-Christian times it was often a birch, in honor of Freya, the goddess of love. The birch represents purity, light and new beginnings and even today many parents choose this way of using the placenta. A tree calendar helps to choose the right variety, adapted to the month of birth or the sex of the newborn. According to tradition, the tree should stand close to the house so that it is always in the immediate vicinity of the child. By the way, in Germany it is generally allowed to take your placenta home with you after the birth.
Bury the placenta
The placenta is still active around two hours after birth, after which it collapses. Our ancestors were convinced that during the functional period, a part of the child’s soul resided in the placenta. Hence the custom of burying the afterbirth. Even today there are still so-called afterbirth burials in many regions, in which the afterbirth is buried in one’s own house, mainly in the basement or under stairs. This custom goes back to the belief that this protects the newborn from evil spirits. But it is also possible to incinerate the placenta, which, according to tradition, prevents evil forces, witches and demons from accessing it. In the Rottenburg am Neckar Museum, an exhibition shows everything about afterbirth burials in the Middle Ages.
Eat the placenta
Eating the placenta is becoming increasingly common. It is also common for some primitive peoples to prepare a meal from the placenta. You can even find placenta cookbooks on the market. Physical regeneration after the strenuous birth is said to be promoted and consumption is also said to have a preventive effect against pregnancy depression. Even if the placenta is basically edible, there are numerous filtered pollutants in the placenta and their effect or the associated risk of ingestion is still completely unclear from a medical point of view.
Can I have my placenta processed into globules ?
Already processed placenta is taken in the form of globules. These placenta nosodes can be made in special pharmacies or online suppliers. The small sugar globules should have a regulating effect on the organism and strengthen the body’s own defences. In the event of a renewed pregnancy, the placenta globules are said to reduce the mother’s risk of infection and to regulate milk production. However, there is still a lack of scientific evidence of the health-promoting effects and doctors currently advise against taking it while breastfeeding.