Too little fiber is so bad for your health

Dietary fibers have an enormous positive influence on health, as scientists have analyzed. But most people still eat too little fiber.

Dietary fiber is indigestible fiber found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables , grains, seeds, legumes or nuts. They fill you up and ensure a healthy intestinal flora and smooth digestion. However, as scientists from the New Zealand University of Otago analyzed for the World Health Organization (WHO), people still do not eat enough dietary fiber.

From 243 studies over the last 40 years, the scientists examined the role that dietary fiber plays in the body. They published the results in the journal The Lancet .

Positive effect on health

The scientists found that fiber protects against cardiovascular disease , diabetes and cancer , and reduces the risk of death compared to people who eat little fiber. Study participants also lost weight, had better cholesterol levels , and lower blood pressure when they ate fiber.

At least 25 grams daily

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends at least 30 grams of roughage daily, the scientists at least 25 to 29 grams. However, the more there are, the more effective it is for your health. However, many people find it difficult to get enough dietary fiber every day. The table therefore contains foods with a high fiber content.

FoodDietary fiber content per 100 grams
potato1.2 grams
apples2 grams
blueberries4.8 grams
lenses8 grams
Chickpeas9.9 grams
Whole grain breadbetween 3 and 14 grams (depending on the variety)
wheat bran45 grams
linseed38.6 grams
Green peas5.3 grams
Kale3.5 grams
oatmeal10 grams

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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