The first encouraging video course for people with cancer diagnosis

The guide to strengthening the immune system through diet, exercise, relaxation and mindfulness.

Healthy & happy – the video course

After a cancer diagnosis, nothing is the same as it was before. Entrepreneur Stéphanie Diederichsen experienced this five years ago when she was diagnosed with an aggressive tumor in her breast. With her video course “Diagnosis: Healthy and Happy” she wants to do one thing above all: encourage those affected, take away their fears and. share their personal experiences and practical tips to support holistic healing and the immune systemto strengthen. “I would like to share my very personal story with you today. It is particularly important to me to give you suggestions if you are in a similar situation as I was in 2014 after my breast cancer diagnosis cancer diagnosis desired.” Stéphanie Diederichsen begins with these words in the first video of her online course. Diederichsen has developed such a digital handbook over the past 12 months.

It is the first of its kind in German-speaking countries and offers the advantage that people can take some of their health into their own hands. After the cancer, the mother of a then 3-year-old son took the path of conventional medical therapy and at the same time began to research what she could do herself to strengthen her immune system. A new world opened up for her. She realized, thanks to scientific studies, how to deal with nutrition, movement, attitude to life and time management could have an enormous influence on their immune system and thus on their recovery. Step by step, she implemented the new knowledge in her everyday life. Getting healthy and staying healthy is now the top priority! The love of life, the desire to see her son grow up and the courage to face the illness helped Diederichsen to get well.

Today, almost five years after her diagnosis, the power woman is not only cancer-free, but also the developer of the first German-language encouragement video course for people with a cancer diagnosis! Stéphanie Diederichsen is passionate about supporting other people with a similar fate, giving them courage and giving them hope through their own experiences. Experiences and new food for thought that enrich their second life – as Diederichsen says today. Bolster! With this striving, Diederichsen developed a video course with 10 modules and a total of 37 compact videos in which she shares her insights from 1.5 years of research and her personal experiences.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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