Fitness exercise: upper body stretching

Blogger and fitness trainer Stefanie Bruckert from presents stretching exercises for the upper body exclusively on

chest opening

Stand shoulder-width apart, pull your arms back to your side, push your shoulder blades together and push your breastbone forward.

chest opening

Stand shoulder-width apart, pull your arms back to your side, push your shoulder blades together and push your breastbone forward.

back stretch

Put your arms in front of your body. The hands interlock and pull the shoulder blades apart. Tilt your pelvis forward and place your chin on your chest.

back stretch

Put your arms in front of your body. The hands interlock and pull the shoulder blades apart. Tilt your pelvis forward and place your chin on your chest.

Lateral body stretch

Put your right foot in front of your left. Raise your arms overhead, then bend your arms and torso to the left. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

Lateral body stretch

Put your right foot in front of your left. Raise your arms overhead, then bend your arms and torso to the left. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

Lateral neck stretch

Tilt your head to the left. Put your left hand on your right ear and stretch your head slightly to the left. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

Lateral neck stretch

Tilt your head to the left. Put your left hand on your right ear and stretch your head slightly to the left. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

arm stretch

The left hand reaches between the shoulders. The right hand draws the left elbow to the center. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

arm stretch

The left hand reaches between the shoulders. The right hand draws the left elbow to the center. Hold for 10 breaths, then switch sides.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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