Shorten your period: Of course, these 4 tricks help

The monthly occurrence of the period is a natural sign from our body that everything is running its healthy and regular course. However, bleeding can sometimes be really annoying – especially when there is a special event coming up or you generally have a long menstrual period. With a few tricks, something can be changed, and in a completely natural way.

On average, women have a cycle length of around 28 days, menstruation usually lasts between three and six days. Various factors influence this individually. This includes diet, sport, body weight, drinking quantity and above all the hormone balance as well as stress and the general condition.
If you regularly have long menstrual cycles (more than seven days), you should have this clarified by a gynaecologist. Conditions such as ovarian cysts or an underactive thyroid could be the cause of long periods.

These 4 factors can shorten your period:

  • Exercise: Even if you prefer to lie curled up on the sofa during your period , exercise is a great help in shortening bleeding and relieving cramps. It doesn’t have to be an intensive sports session, a relaxed walk or a yoga session already leads to a stronger blood flow in the abdomen.
  • Orgasms: what a nice cheat trick! Orgasms are said to help shorten periods. Because of the contraction of the uterus, which takes place during climax, more blood is expelled faster. Oh yes, and by the way: orgasms can also help against menstrual pain. So let’s go!
  • Herbs: Nature has a lot up its sleeve when it comes to small ailments. There are also herbs and plants that have an influence on the period. They can be taken in tablet form or as a tea, they are available in the pharmacy.
    • Monk’s pepper: helps with menstrual disorders
    • Ginger, raspberry and thyme tea: promote bleeding
    • Maca root: ensures a balanced hormone balance
    • Yarrow: Helps tissues and blood vessels constrict
  • Warmth: We gladly accept this tip, after all it is nice to use a hot-water bottle to counteract abdominal cramps. If you have the opportunity, you should even consider going to the sauna. The heat relaxes the body and thus contributes to better blood flow.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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