Tricks to Burn Fat

Get the figure you want quickly: With these 12 training strategies, fat burning is also very easy to do in everyday life.

If you want your stomach, legs and buttocks to become firmer and slimmer, you need an effective mix of strength plus cardio training. You can model your figure with special exercises for the muscles, endurance training makes the layer of fat on the muscles disappear. Build as many of the 12 fat burning strategies into your training (at least twice a week) as possible and you will soon see results.

1: Don’t make a mess anymore, bulk up
Muscles increase the daily basal metabolic rate. With the all-round strategy, you make the large muscle groups fit and at the same time save your time: Skip exercises for small individual muscles such as the adductors or the triceps. Instead, full-body exercises such as squats or push-ups, yoga, Pilates or core training come into play.

2: Done doesn’t mean completely over: Hold the end position
You can get a little more out of your usual strength exercises with the hold strategy: After the last repetition, hold the end position statically for five to ten seconds (or perform mini rocking movements). This intensifies the muscle contraction and increases the training effect without much effort.

3: Tap into the fat reserves before muscle training
If you want to train endurance and strength on the same day, do not start with the muscle workout, otherwise the body will first activate the carbohydrate metabolism because it needs strength. Together with the resulting lactate, this slows down fat burning. With the cardio-before-strength strategy, your fat metabolism gets revved up.

4: Consistently stack low at first
for untrained people, the training duration is the first priority. The perseverance strategy: Only run, walk or cycle so fast that you can maintain the speed for at least 30 minutes. If you can’t do that, you’re traveling too quickly. The fitter you get, the longer you’ll last. Can you already manage 45 minutes? Then you can step on the gas.

5: If you run regularly, you will reach your goal faster.
The energy balance counts: you have to burn more calories than you take in. Your time-saving strategy: rely on the biggest calorie killer and run! To shed a pound of body fat, you need to burn 7000 extra calories. Converted, this means (based on a body weight of 65 kilograms): 13 hours of easy jogging (8 km/h), 10 hours of brisk running (10 km/h) or 8 hours of brisk pace (12 km/h). With a weekly workload of two to three hours, one kilo will disappear per month. For comparison: walkers have to invest around four hours a week for the same calorie deficit.

Fat-away tips 6 to 12

6: The new Formula 1 for women’s hearts
Until now, pulse formulas have mostly underchallenged women. Despite the comfortable pace, the heart rate displayed on the heart rate monitor quickly climbed above the calculated maximum. The reason: women’s hearts are smaller than men’s hearts, but the formulas are based on men. A new pulse formula for runners gets you in the right rhythm . The training heart rate for your fat burning strategy now depends on your age and is…
… in your 30s: 139-148 (beginners), 143-152 (trained)
… in your 40s: 134-142 (beginners), 138-146 (trained)
… in the 50s: 128-136 (beginners), 132-140 (trained).

7: How to hit the calorie jackpot
You can also heat up your metabolism and calorie consumption with a short-term increase in intensity. The turbo strategy: put in a final sprint at the end of the training session – switch to jogging as a walker, run up a flight of stairs as a runner, race up a mountain when cycling, crawl a length faster when swimming.

8: Your biorhythm gives the go-ahead
If the body works with it, it burns a relatively large amount of fat in the morning (without breakfast beforehand!). Nevertheless, morning grouches do not have to struggle to get out of bed. The biorhythm strategy: Train at the time of day when you experience your personal peak performance. Then it can also be a little more strenuous or take longer.

9: If not now, then when?
Oh, I would have to go jogging again, join the gym or cycle to work… stop! Put the brakes on “fitness procrastination” with the immediate strategy: Realize your sporting resolutions within 72 hours. Otherwise, the chance that you will implement them drops to zero.

10: For hot performance: refill cooling water!
Especially in summer you can drink one to quench your thirst – preferably cold. The drinking strategy: Into the fridge with the mineral water bottles! Then it has zero calories and even costs some. A study showed that cold drinking water increases energy expenditure by about 100 kilocalories per liter.

11: Go for fish, meat and greens
Eat a banana before your workout or noodles afterwards – passé! Because the body then falls back on the more readily available carbohydrates in the blood instead of tapping into its fat stores. The better eater strategy: eat as little as possible two hours before training, then eat vegetables, salad, fish or meat and cheese afterwards. Don’t forget: alcohol too

12: Slow down life – now!
In stressful times, stress hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol inhibit fat burning. The relaxation strategy prevents this, for example with this mini-meditation: Close your eyes while sitting upright, breathe in deeper, let the breath out lengthen and smile at yourself inwardly. Five minutes a day is enough.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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