The top fascia exercises

Fascia is an important part of the human connective tissue and that is why it is so important for our mobility – we present six simple exercises that you can easily do at home.

Fascia strengthens our inner cohesion. They run through the whole body and play along with every movement. To ensure that the network of our connective tissue remains supple, we can support it with a gentle full-body program for beginners. Click through the gallery and do the fascia exercises !

Strengthens the upper back: Lie on your back. Sit in a long position with your legs stretched out and support yourself with both hands behind you. Now try to lift your buttocks off the floor until your shoulders, pelvis and ankles form a line. Your legs are stretched out. Hold this position for two breaths. Then slowly lower your buttocks. Repeat the exercise eight to twelve times.

The Thigh Roll

Makes the thigh fascia more supple: Go on your training mat in side support. The lower leg is slightly bent so that the toes point forward for more stability. The top leg is bent. Support yourself slightly with your upper arm. Place the roll under the lateral knee area and then roll down to the buttocks. Feel where you feel stronger or weaker tension. Gently roll back and forth a few times on more painful areas. Measures the pressure over the raised leg. Then switch sides.

The leg swing

Vibrations awaken the fascia: Stand facing the wall and support yourself lightly with both hands. Slowly swing your right leg outwards and back to center. Accelerates the pace a little with each swing. Five to seven turns, then switch sides.

The arm swing

Stand with your back straight, legs hip-width apart. Let your arms swing gently forwards and backwards together. Increases the movement until the arms are swinging at head level. At the highest point you will feel the need to stand on your tiptoes. When dropping your arms, on the other hand, you want to lean your upper body forward. In order for the entire movement to be “round”, allow both. Run for about 1.5 minutes.

loosen neck

Lie on your back. Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left. Important: The chin always points slightly towards the breastbone. Breathe deeply in and out throughout the exercise. Repeat the movement three to four times on each side. Repeat the exercise after a short break.

loosen the lower abdomen

Lie on your back, bend your legs. Hands hold the lower abdominal area. Exhale slowly, drawing your lower abdomen toward your head. Inhale and hold the tension with your hands. Now slowly straighten your legs out until you feel a good stretch. Pause, inhale and exhale twice deeply. As soon as the feeling of stretching has eased slightly, continue stretching your legs as you exhale. Stop at the next stretch point. Do the exercise until your legs are straight.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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