Health: tips to wake up properly

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and do you still feel exhausted or half asleep during the day? Then these 3 tips could help you to wake up properly.

Health: 3 tips to wake up properly

1. Don’t snooze

Who does not know it? The alarm clock rings and you don’t feel ready to get up for a long time. The snooze button comes in handy. One push of a button and you’ve bought yourself another five minutes. And then another five minutes. And again. When you actually get up at some point, you don’t feel a bit more rested, but just as exhausted as before. This is because the five to ten minute snooze periods are too short to provide any real relaxation. Instead, the back and forth between being awake and asleep triggers a stress response  in us. It is therefore best to place your alarm clock at the other end of the room so that you are forced to get up and wake up immediately.

2. Contrast shower

Especially when it’s still dark outside, it’s difficult for us to get out of bed. The morning darkness in the winter months suggests to our internal clock that we should actually still be sleeping and leads to the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. In addition to switching on a bright lamp, the alternating shower helps in this regard. The rapid change between cold and warm water stimulates your cardiovascular system and thus signals alertness to your entire body. You will be particularly awake if you wash your face thoroughly with cold water.

3. Exercise in the fresh air

One of the best morning routines is a walk in the fresh air. Because they combine three awakening aspects : Since our hormonal day-night rhythm depends heavily on daylight , it is beneficial for our serotonin and melatonin levels if we are outside as early as possible in the morning hours or in the morning. Even on an overcast winter’s day, illuminance levels of 3,000 to 5,000 lux prevail outdoors, while only around 500 lux prevail in illuminated indoor spaces. In addition, the exercise gets your circulation going and the fresh, cool air also makes you significantly more alert than the warm air from the heating.

Tip: In the cold and dark season, many people in this country suffer more from winter fatigue. You can find out what helps against this in this article on 5 tips against winter fatigue >>

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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