Table of Contents
Ill should believe firmly
There is no question that the effects of positive thoughts have not been sufficiently researched. However, studies are already proving that even serious illnesses can be positively influenced by the placebo effect. Of course, no life-threatening diseases can be cured, but the course of the disease can be weaker and healing is supported.
How you can support the sick
Focusing on positive thoughts is often not that easy for the sick. That’s why you should support sick people. You can do that with small things like visiting a sick person. If you do not have time for this or if the distance is too great, a get well card can also have a supportive effect. Lovingly designed cards like those from Kaartje2go encourage, give comfort and give confidence. You can easily design the cards have them sent straight away.
Are positive thoughts possible as a healing path?
Your body has a very good self-healing mechanism. Therefore, thoughts and feelings can affect recovery. You can already see this in children. When mom or grandma blow on the wound, the pain goes away and the tears stop. But even adults can get on the road to recovery more quickly thanks to such placebo effects. For many people, headache pills work before they’ve even been processed in the stomach. And it was also possible to determine in test series that placebos often have the same effect as the drug. So you can steer your illness in one direction or another with the power of your thoughts alone.
That is why positive thoughts work
An optimistic attitude can speed recovery from many ailments. In most cases, pessimistic and anxious patients do not recover quickly from an operation. Positive thinking people have even less pain. How it works? Quite simply: everything that happens in the brain also affects the body. This reduces the risk of heart disease, blood pressure stays lower and blood sugar levels are optimal. It’s no secret that stress makes you sick.
How can you encourage positive thoughts?
There are several ways to encourage positive thinking. You should introduce some rituals that you practice every day. Set yourself goals, write a gratitude journal or develop strategies for how you can get something positive out of the stress. Of course, it is always important to have the support of others who support you in the implementation of your projects.