Fight bed bugs: With these tricks you get rid of the vermin

A bed bug infestation is not only unpleasant, but can quickly develop into an annoying nuisance. This is why professional help is needed to get rid of the unwelcome vermin quickly. We present two effective methods that fight bed bugs.

Bed bugs are mostly found in places where there are a lot of people. This includes hotels, healthcare facilities such as hospitals or means of transport such as airplanes. The bugs often get home via luggage. But the vermin can also hide in used furniture or clothing.

How do I recognize bed bugs?

A bed bug can be seen with the naked eye. The insect is about 5 to 7 mm long, has a brownish and flat body. Since the parasites feed on blood, they leave their victim with bite marks – recognizable as itchy, red pustules resembling flea or mosquito bites. Other signs of a bed bug infestation are dark spots of faeces, small traces of blood on upholstery and bedclothes, and remains of molting on the mattress.

More:  Bed bugs – 4 signs point to the vermin >>

Fighting Bed Bugs: Get professional help

Before you try to get rid of the unwelcome guests on your own, you should get professional help and hire a pest controller. Because bed bugs are considered to be the most difficult insects to control. Since the parasites spread quickly, the infestation can quickly spread to other premises. For this reason, we advise professional and efficient removal of the vermin.

Get rid of vermin with these 2 tricks

A combination of thermal and chemical processes has proven itself well . The former is a heat method. The infested room is filled with 50 degrees hot air. Because of the high temperatures, the animals die. The use of pesticides is avoided. A chemical approach uses insecticides to get rid of vermin. Not only infested pieces of furniture, but also potential hiding places such as skirting boards or loose wallpaper are treated with the spray. This spray treatment destroys all stages of bed bugs – even larvae that hatch later are poisoned with the agent. The use of these insecticides is not harmful to humans and pets. Depending on the severity of the infestation, several treatments may be necessary.

If bed bugs continue to multiply despite repeated control measures, it may be due to the insecticide used, for example. In such a case, the animals are resistant to the active ingredients and the pest controller should resort to other active ingredients. It should also be ensured that the infestation does not come from neighboring rooms or apartments.

Fight bed bugs yourself – you can do that

In addition to getting rid of bed bugs professionally, you can also do a number of things to get rid of the pests quickly. You can vacuum the infested upholstery and bed linen to help. Then pack the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag, close it tightly, put it in the freezer for a few hours and then finally dispose of it. You should first vacuum your infested mattress thoroughly. Then steam clean to kill any bugs.

It is best to wash your clothes at 60 degrees or put them in plastic bags in the freezer for a few days. Infested items that cannot be washed, such as books or photos, can also be placed in the freezer. Alternatively, you can bag the items and store them in the basement for at least six months.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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