Tips to detox your body

All beginnings are difficult, but with these tips and tricks you can also stick through a detox cure. Try it!

1. Taboo list
Coffee, alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks and soft drinks are on the index during detoxification. Also sweets of all kinds. Chocolate and cake are particularly counterproductive because they burden the detoxification organs with sugar and fat. Allowed: 2 teaspoons of honey a day.

2. Healing sleep
The detoxification organs need particularly long regeneration phases during a detox cure. Therefore, sleep at least seven hours at night, two of them before midnight.

3. Full yoghurt
Sour milk products such as buttermilk, kefir, quark, sour cream, Ymer or yoghurt destroy putrefactive microbes in the intestines, harmful yeasts and their waste products. They also help the intestines to build up a healthy flora again.

4. Cool socks
You can even systematically promote a detox treatment while you are sleeping : add 50 g of sea salt to 1 liter of water. Soak a pair of cotton socks in this sea salt water. Wring out lightly, put on, pull on dry socks and leave on overnight.

5. Warm-up
The better you prepare your body for a detox, the more effective and less strenuous it will be. The “Biologo-Balance” preparation, for example (more information at, deacidifies, cleanses the blood and strengthens the detoxification organs of the liver, intestines and kidneys.

6. Well wrapped
A yarrow wrap helps the liver cells to regenerate. Boil 2 teaspoons of dried yarrow herb (pharmacy) with 0.5 l of water. Cover and leave to stand for 8 minutes, strain. Saturate a cotton cloth with it. Do not put too hot on the right upper abdomen. A blanket over it. Lie relaxed for 30 minutes, breathing deeply in and out.

7. Oil Rinse Rinse
mouth with 1 tablespoon of warm sesame or sunflower oil every morning for 4 to 6 weeks. Slowly move the oil back and forth from left to right in your mouth. For 10 minutes, then spit it out. The vegetable oil binds metabolic toxins.

8. Liver kick
In healthy people, a glass of fresh grapefruit juice before breakfast helps the liver with its bitter substances in its detoxification work (all others: please ask the doctor). Also good: dandelion juice (e.g. from Schoenenberger, health food store).

9. Extra poison binder Binds
heavy metals, chemical toxins and mycotoxins circulating in the bloodstream, intestines and lymphatic system, e.g. B. “Biologo-Rescue” ( The drops ensure that the hazardous substances are safely discharged.

10. Heats up the metabolism Add
1 tablespoon of powdered algae (e.g. “AFA Algae Powder”, pharmacy) and 5 tablespoons of sea salt to 2 liters of boiling water and stir. Leave for 5 minutes and pour into the bath water.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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