The best tips against grinding your teeth

Nocturnal teeth grinding is widespread – stress is often the cause. We have tips to help your jaw relax at night.

Table of Contents

Healing Needles

Anyone who is often under stress and carries mental problems with them has a particularly high risk of reducing this emotional stress through grinding (see p. 31). However, we can get stress under control with acupuncture. If therapists place the needles in the right places, negative energies disappear and we regain mental balance. Certain acupuncture points also relax the jaw muscles. You will be charged between 30 and 70 euros per session (no cash benefits).

On the yoga mat

Are you looking for another anti-stress measure besides acupuncture to throw the grinding and pressing to the wind? Then you should try different yoga practices: asana (physical exercises), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation help to achieve inner balance. Many health insurance companies contribute to the costs of a yoga course. This also applies to other measures that are good for our soul and thus also for the jaw (e.g. autogenic training).

Small training session

Treat your (tense) jaw muscles to regular relaxation exercises. How to do it: Slowly open your mouth as wide as it will go. Now close again. You repeat this about ten times. Don’t worry if you have to yawn while doing it. Now press your fist lightly against your chin. Open your mouth while pressing your jaw down against your fist. Try to hold the pressure for about a minute. Repeat this exercise several times a day.

Versatile Botox

We have known the nerve toxin botulinum toxin under the trade name Botox for a long time as a wrinkle smoother. Recently, some dentists have also been using the remedy to help particularly stubborn grinding. To do this, they inject the drug into the chewing muscles. This then relaxes and the patient can literally relax. The crunch usually goes away within two weeks. The effect usually lasts up to six months. The costs (statutory health insurance companies do not pay) are between 300 and 600 euros.

Well splinted

In addition to a simple bite splint, which protects our teeth from further abrasion, we can also opt for an adjusted splint (DIR system). The advantage: it also balances the bite position. This specifically counteracts tension and thus also crunching. Beforehand, the dentist carries out a functional analysis. To do this, he examines the periodontium, including muscles and joints, and measures the jaw using a computer. The special splint is created on the basis of this data. However, the statutory health insurers do not cover the costs of approx. 1700 euros.

How hypnotized

When grinding teeth, we should not only eliminate the symptoms , but also the causes. For example, thanks to hypnotherapy, we can find out what problems are bothering us so much (if we don’t figure them out on our own) that we re-act to them with a clenching jaw. In addition, therapists can help us shift the grinding and clenching to another part of the body. Instead of teeth, for example, we press thumb and middle finger together. Several sessions are usually necessary (one treatment costs around 80 euros). You can find therapists at

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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