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Three-day fever – what is it?
If your child suddenly develops a high fever without any signs of infection such as coughing, runny nose or vomiting, it may be three-day fever . The trigger of this mostly harmless infectious disease is a herpes virus. Three-day fever, also known as roseola infantum , is transmitted by droplet infection, i.e. by speaking, coughing or sneezing. In babies and children, the disease occurs mainly between the 6th and 24th month, and three-day fever is very rare from the age of three. After a single illness, there is lifelong immunity against three-day fever.
Three-day fever – symptoms and signs
Signs of the disease are suddenly rising temperatures – from 39°C to 41°C – without any apparent cause. Often there are no other symptoms, but there can also be gastrointestinal problems, coughing, a sore throat or swollen lymph nodes. After about three to five days, the temperature returns to normal within a few hours and is replaced by a fine, bright red rash. The small, pink spots appear particularly on the trunk and neck, but can spread to the entire body. The rash is visible between a few hours and four days, does not itch or hurt and heals without consequences. Complications such as febrile seizures can occur in around a third of cases. These usually last a few minutes, during which the child often loses consciousness and twitches his arms and legs. The febrile seizure usually has no consequences, but you should consult a pediatrician after such an incident.
diagnosis and treatment
Fever is a side effect of many childhood illnesses , which is why you should see a doctor if you suspect three-day fever . This can rule out other diseases, such as a sore throat, middle ear or pneumonia. Using a blood test, the pediatrician can determine whether there are antibodies against the virus in the blood and thus confirm the diagnosis of three-day fever. If your child develops febrile seizures, it may be necessary to test for meningitis (inflammation of the brain). In addition, antipyretics can help in the event of a severe impairment of well-being. However, it should only be taken as directed by a doctor.
Tips on what to look out for in the event of an infestation
It is important that your child drinks enough because the high fever loses a lot of fluids. Diluted apple or raspberry juice, still mineral water or herbal teas are well suited. Calf wraps with lukewarm water can also help regulate body temperature. However, this home remedy must not be used for circulatory problems and only when the face, hands and feet are warm. Make sure that your child takes it easy and – especially if the fever is high – stays in bed. Children who are ill with three-day fever can be very whiny, which puts parents to a hard test of patience. If you give your child a lot of love and closeness, it will quickly overcome the illness.