Hot flashes, mood swings or sleep disorders are just a few of the many symptoms of menopause. What helps? Sports! We explain how regular physical activity can relieve menopausal symptoms.
Menopause is the time before and after a woman’s last menstrual period. In most cases, menopause begins in the mid-40s. The ovaries then produce smaller amounts of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. The ovulations and thus the menstrual periods become more irregular and ultimately stop altogether.
Since the hormonal balance is properly messed up during this time, various symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings or sleep disorders occur. For many women, these physical changes represent an enormous burden. Drug treatments such as hormone replacement therapy or taking herbal supplements promise to help. Another tried-and-true tip for relieving menopausal symptoms is regular exercise. We explain in detail how physical activity affects the menopausal symptoms:
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Sport relieves menopausal symptoms
Sport has many positive sides. It is considered the fountain of youth or is known as a stress killer. But would you have thought that exercise can relieve menopausal symptoms such as mood swings or hot flashes? During sport, the body releases the hormone dopamine, which wakes us up and triggers the reward effect in us. The happiness hormone serotonin is also released during exercise and is known for its mood-enhancing effect. So if you are struggling with mood swings during menopause, you should definitely focus on sports. Hot flashes are a common problem associated with menopause– auch hier hilft Sport. Aufgrund der Bewegung wird das vegetative Nervensystem ins Gleichgewicht gebracht. Wer regelmäßig beim Sport schwitzt, trainiert seine Thermoregulatoren, also die zentrale Wärmeregulation im Gehirn. Der Körper erhitzt nur dann, wenn er sich auch tatsächlich anstrengt.
Because of the drop in estrogen, your risk of developing osteoporosis increases . To counteract bone loss, one thing above all helps: strength training! Every muscle activity strengthens your bones. Movement also creates new cells in the bones. Further arguments for exercising regularly: Thanks to estrogen, women have natural protection against cardiovascular diseases. If the hormone level decreases during menopause, the risk of coronary diseases automatically increases. Sport also prevents weight gain. With increasing age, the basal metabolic rate and muscle mass decrease, which causes extra kilos on the scales.
Menopause: Which sport is the right one?
Do the sport that you like best – that’s the only way to stay on the ball and have fun during training. Do both cardio and strength training. Cardio sports such as jogging, cycling or swimming strengthen your heart health. Muscle training protects your bones and can prevent osteoporosis. To be on the safe side, sports beginners or beginners should have their fitness for sports checked by a doctor beforehand. In addition to regular exercise, a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient relaxation are important in order to get through the menopause well and as symptom-free as possible.