Cohesion: This is how large companies are reacting to the Corona crisis

While some sectors are having a particularly difficult time, others are in extremely high demand. Both lead to major problems: delivery bottlenecks of important goods, urgently needed workers being overwhelmed…
We see with enthusiasm that more and more large companies are reacting to the Corona crisis with creative, flexible support. So something positive seems to be emerging in these difficult times: cohesion! Despite social distancing, we are moving closer together.

Large companies are fighting Corona with these projects

Nivea is a traditional company with a long history. Who doesn’t know the cream from the classic blue, round tin? But tradition in no way excludes flexibility and creativity, as the German company proves. Without further ado, Beiersdorf announced that it wanted to support public institutions and professional groups in their efforts to combat the corona virus. How? With the company starting immediately with the production of medical disinfectants – under the motto: “Health before beauty”!

The H&M Group has not been sitting idle since the retail stores had to close. To support the fight against COVID-19, the apparel brand decided to direct its supply chain towards manufacturing protective gear for hospitals, effective immediately. Top: This should then be made available to employees in the healthcare sector.

The luxury fashion company LVMH uses its opportunities in our interests: instead of making perfume for Givenchy and Dior, the factories and manpower are used to produce hand sanitizer. The owner, Bernard Arnault, makes his French cosmetics factories available to distribute the gels to healthcare institutions free of charge. We can only say: Thumbs up!

In Italy, too, companies are not standing still: the fashion label Patrizia Pepe uses its influence and started a fundraising campaign under the hashtag #ItalyStayStrong for the Careggi University Hospital. In the fight against the corona virus, doctors, staff and scientific researchers are to be given financial support.

Even many smaller companies are currently starting countless campaigns to support society, for example in the form of free streaming options, vouchers, free delivery offers and much more.
The current crisis shows: Those who stick together are stronger! We’re all in the same boat. Keep it up!

And that’s what we can do in the fight against Corona: Blood donations during the crisis >>

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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