Things that happen when you drink white tea daily

Everyone is familiar with green tea, but very few know white tea. But that should change, because the special type of tea not only tastes good, it can also have a positive effect on our health. We explain what 3 things happen when you drink white tea every day.

Green tea, black tea, fruit tea – most types of tea are actually familiar to everyone. Not so with white tea, which originally comes from the Chinese province of Fujian and accounts for only 0.2 percent of global tea production due to its complex production process. And this despite the fact that white tea is considered a special feature among the types of tea: in addition to its slightly sweet taste, it is a well-known remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. Unlike other types of tea, the tea leaves are processed in a gentle way, which is why hardly any valuable ingredients are lost during production. But what makes white tea so healthy and what effects does regular consumption have on our body?

These 3 things happen when you drink white tea daily

1. White tea has anti-inflammatory properties

White tea is considered extremely healthy and is said to have anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and antioxidant effects. According to the Federal Center for Nutrition ( BZfE ), these positive properties are due to the polyphenols contained. The secondary plant substances fight free radicals in the body and should therefore possibly be able to prevent the development of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The group of catechins in particular, which are also contained in green tea, are said to have an antioxidant effect.

2. Your concentration can be increased

White tea not only provides you with important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, zinc and iron – due to the caffeine content of the hot drink, drinking it can also have a stimulating effect and increase concentration. However, white tea contains significantly less caffeine than coffee or black tea, which is why it is easier to digest. Nevertheless, you should not drink the white tea late in the evening, otherwise you may find it harder to sleep.

3. White tea can help you lose weight

Would you like to lose a few kilos? Then regular consumption of white tea could help you, because some polyphenols have a positive effect on fat burning. In addition, the drink is said to stimulate digestion and thus also the metabolism. However, white tea alone is not a miracle cure and can only support weight loss in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.

Also interesting: Green tea – this is what happens when you drink green tea every day >>

White tea: what types are there?

The two most valuable and well-known varieties of white tea are Yin Zhen (silver needle) and Pai Mu Tan (white peony). The white tea owes its name to the shimmering white down that is visible on the closed leaf buds of the Yin Ten tea plant.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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