These symptoms can occur with vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is a hormone-like vitamin that is formed in our skin as a result of UV-B radiation. However, vitamin D deficiency is common in these latitudes, especially in winter. We show you 13 symptoms and signs that can indicate a deficiency.

What exactly is vitamin D?

Vitamin D – the sunshine vitamin – is a real all-rounder among the fat-soluble vitamins and has hormone-like functions in the body. It balances the calcium and phosphate levels and thus promotes the mineralization and formation of our bones. But vitamin D also makes a crucial contribution to the normal functioning of muscles and the immune system. This is especially evident when we get too little vitamin D. Various factors such as skin type , age , how long you have been outdoors or previous illnesses influence the vitamin D production in your skin. Because we cover 80 to 90 percent of our vitamin D requirement through UVB radiationoff the sun.

13 symptoms and signs of vitamin D deficiency

Due to the low solar radiation in winter , many people experience a slight deficiency. You can have a vitamin D deficiency diagnosed with a blood test at your next doctor’s appointment . There are now also practical test kits that you can use to have your vitamin D level determined at home, for example from Cerascreen or Lykon . Since a deficiency can have serious consequences, you should always consult a doctor if you suspect it and have symptoms. These 13 symptoms and consequences can indicate a vitamin D deficiency.

1. Weakened immune system

Vitamin D plays a central role in the immune system because it stimulates the production of the body’s own defenses that have an antiviral and antibacterial effect. Vitamin D also has an anti-inflammatory effect , prevents autoimmune diseases and ensures that pathogens can be fought better. With a vitamin D deficiency, these functions are restricted, so that your immune system is significantly weakened and you are more susceptible to infections and other diseases.

2. Weak muscles

A vitamin D deficiency can become noticeable through reduced performance in sport and everyday life. If the sun vitamin is missing, the so-called muscle tone is reduced – the tension and readiness of your muscles. This is particularly critical for older people , as this can lead to more falls and fractures. But regular performance losses can also indicate a vitamin D deficiency in younger people. If you notice during sport that you are no longer able to match your previous performance, you should seek a discussion with your family doctor or sports medicine specialist.

3. Porous or soft bones

In childhood, a severe vitamin D deficiency can lead to so-called rickets , which leads to severe abnormal growth and malformations of the bones. This used to be common in societies where children had to work underground. Luckily, those days are behind us. However, bone problems due to vitamin D deficiency are now more common among older people. Vitamin D ensures that calcium is built into the bones in the body. In the event of a deficiency, these can therefore become porous and brittle, as often happens in women after menopause ( osteoporosis ).

Book tips against osteoporosis:  In “Power for the Bones”  Prof. Dr. medical Reiner Bartl, how osteoporosis develops, how to protect yourself from it and which exercises you can use to actively strengthen your bones. In “Exercise as medicine: getting healthy and fit step by step”  , the exercise docs show you how you can effectively prevent not only osteoporosis, but also other lifestyle diseases.

4. Winter blues and depressed mood

Vitamin D is particularly important for mood. Numerous researches meanwhile show that vitamin D can not only help with a bad mood, but even with depressive moods . So if the winter blues hits in the dark months, a vitamin D deficiency is often to blame for the depressive mood. A diagnosed depression , on the other hand, can have many causes and requires close medical and psychotherapeutic care.

5. Tiredness and concentration problems

Fatigue is a typical symptom that often occurs with vitamin or nutrient deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiency is no exception. In addition, the darkness and the melatonin released with it ensure that we are more tired and have difficulty concentrating.

6. Sleep disorders

In 2017, Iranian scientists examined the influence of vitamin D on the quality of sleep and found that taking vitamin D regularly can help you fall asleep and stay asleep better. The sleep duration of the test subjects, who felt fitter and more productive during the day, also increased.

7. Poor blood sugar levels

The blood sugar level can also suffer from an insufficient supply of vitamin D in our body. This is increased in the case of vitamin D deficiency in the fasting state ( fasting blood glucose ). High blood sugar levels can promote inflammation and, in the long term, lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes . A vitamin D deficiency can also be dangerous for diabetics , since the long-term blood sugar value ( HbA1c ) can also be increased.

Multiple Sclerosis

It has not yet been conclusively clarified whether a vitamin D deficiency is a cause or a consequence of MS diseases. Nevertheless, the Danish research team led by Nete Munk Nielsen impressively showed in 2017 that an insufficient vitamin D status in newborns is associated with an increased risk of later developing MS. To do this, they compared the blood values ​​of 521 newborns who had developed multiple sclerosis in adulthood and 972 comparison subjects who remained healthy. The results underline how important an optimal vitamin D supply during pregnancy is for the future child.

9. Frequent colds

Dry heating air and circulating cold viruses make us susceptible to infections of the upper respiratory tract in winter. But according to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), a vitamin D deficiency also makes it easier for us to catch a cold . The severity of the deficiency is also crucial: the greater the deficiency, the more susceptible we are to catching colds . Conversely, the DGE ascribes a preventive effect against infections of the upper respiratory tract to supplementation with vitamin D tablets. However, vitamin D does not help acutely against a cold that has already broken out.

Also interesting: How much vitamin D do I need per day? >>

10. Cravings

A vitamin D deficiency can actually trigger cravings as our body realizes that it is missing an essential vitamin or hormone. Through the cravings, he signals the deficiency to you. So if you suffer more from food cravings in the late winter months of February and March, you should have your vitamin D level checked by a doctor you trust to be on the safe side.

11. Decreased fertility

In fact, an insufficient supply of vitamin D can also affect your fertility. Researchers at the University of Graz found this out in a systematic review in 2012 . The scientists found that the production of sex hormones was restricted in both men and women who had low vitamin D levels. The semen quality of the male subjects and the pregnancy rate of the subjects also suffered from the deficiency. The researchers attribute this to the fact that vitamin D is involved in the production of testosterone and estrogen in the testicles and ovaries, as well as in the formation of the egg cells.

12. Muscle pain

In addition to muscle weakness and declining performance in sports, muscle pain and body aches can also occur with a vitamin deficiency. It is also possible that you are more affected by sore muscles or exhaustion after intensive sports sessions.

13. Headache

Like most nutritional deficiencies, vitamin D deficiency can cause headaches and even dizziness. Such diffuse deficiency symptoms are relatively common, but on their own do not indicate a specific vitamin or mineral deficiency. Therefore, a visit to the doctor you trust is recommended if you are plagued by headaches for a long period of time. A blood test can then be used to determine whether and which deficiency actually exists.

Rare symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

  • hair loss
  • nervousness
  • poor eyesight
  • nerve pain

These diseases promote vitamin D deficiency

In countries with less sun, a vitamin D deficiency usually occurs due to a lack of sun exposure in the summer months, which means that the stores are not sufficiently replenished. For this reason, many people in Germany run out of vitamin D stores towards the end of winter, which can lead to an undersupply or, in rarer cases, to a real vitamin D deficiency. , certain diseases can also  cause a vitamin D deficiency or make it more likely:

How to prevent vitamin D deficiency

If you keep a few things in mind, you may be able to prevent a vitamin D deficiency. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and include fatty fish, egg yolks, liver and red meat in your diet. You can also absorb vitamin D from dairy products and certain edible mushrooms. Since most of it is absorbed through the sun’s rays, you should top up your vitamin D stores between March and October by going out a lot. It’s not that easy in winter, but even then you should spend at least half an hour outside in the daylight.

Tip:  You should never take vitamin D preparations on your own, as there is a risk of overdose or there may not be a deficiency at all. However, if your doctor has already diagnosed you with a deficiency, you should always take vitamin D in combination with vitamin K 2 , since these have a synergistic effect in the body, for example in building bone substance, ie they complement each other. Fortunately, many manufacturers take this into account, for example, you can find the corresponding preparations with vitamin D and K 2  here in capsule form or in the form of drops from around 20 euros.

Also helpful: The 5 foods with the highest vitamin D content >>

More information and tips on vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients for the human body. A healthy life is not possible without the sunshine vitamin, which is why it is worthwhile to inform yourself thoroughly about it. Below you will find a selection of our articles on the subject:

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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