Disinfectants: These varieties work against corona viruses

A corona infection is known to be triggered by the pathogen SARS-CoV-2, which is a virus – not a bacterial pathogen. That is why it was previously recommended to use skin disinfectants labeled “antiviral”. A recent study now examined which disinfectants are effective against corona viruses and delivered encouraging results.

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Disinfectant does not necessarily have to be antiviral

As an international research team led by Prof. Stephanie Pfänder from the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) has now found out, a disinfectant does not necessarily have to be antiviral to be effective. In their experiment, the scientists found that even non-antiviral disinfectants inactivated the virus after 30 seconds, as long as it was alcohol-based.

These disinfectants work against corona viruses

The two disinfectants tested are recommended by the WHO and contain the following key components:

1. 80% by volume ethanol, 1.45% by volume glycerin and 0.125% by volume hydrogen peroxide
2. 75% by volume ethanol, 1.45% by volume glycerin and 0.125% by volume hydrogen peroxide

Disinfectants with this composition can currently also be mixed together by pharmacies due to the state of emergency and are available there.

Also exciting: Disinfectants – here are the new hand sprays >>

Nevertheless, thorough, 20-second hand washing should always be the first choice for disinfection. In combination with soap, this reliably protects against viruses and bacteria.

Also exciting: solid or liquid soap, which is more hygienic? >>

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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