Normally they close the anus as a ring-shaped vascular cushion. But when they get bigger, they become a problem: they itch, weep and burn. The doctor calls it hemorrhoidal disease. The cause is often physical stress during pregnancy or a weakness in the connective tissue – but usually excessive straining when having a bowel movement. That’s why a high-fiber diet (then it goes better) quickly helps. Simple trick, great effect: Eat wholemeal bread, raw vegetables, brown rice and legumes such as lentils or chickpeas as often as possible.
Quick help with the right diet
Changing your diet and avoiding certain foods and beverages can also help if you experience severe itching or burning . These include coffee, tea and cola (because of the caffeine), food and drinks containing vitamin C, alcoholic drinks, nuts, tomatoes and hot spices. Various suppositories and creams are suitable for self-help, for example “Hametum” from the pharmacy. The extract of witch hazel leaves (witch hazel) contained in this ointment calms the itching, has an anti-inflammatory and haemostatic effect. The doctor can also prescribe cortisone-containing ointments and, if necessary, antifungal ointments. And in – fortunately – rare cases, he will recommend an intervention.