The healing power from the beehive

The hard-working buzzers really deserve the rating “very good with distinction”: The healing power of honey and other things from the beehive alleviates more than 500 diseases. More about this here!

The holistic apitherapy

The holistic apitherapy (Latin: apis = bee) includes all products that the busy bees produce in their hive. This includes not only the antibacterial honey , but also:

  • Propolis also bee resin, a mixture of plant resins collected by the bee and its own secretions. The insects use this natural antibiotic to disinfect the hive and protect their supplies from germs. As a dietary supplement, the putty resin is offered in the form of capsules, tinctures or lozenges.
  • Royal jelly, the juice that bees use to raise their queens. Special glands of the workers create this nutritious cocktail of sugar, water, amino acids, fats, minerals and vitamins. Dietary supplements for humans usually come in capsule form.
  • The bees collect pollen on their “prey flight” from blossom to blossom for their own protein supply. As a dietary supplement, usually in dried form, they strengthen the immune system, but also dampen allergic reactions.
  • Bee venom is obtained from the sting and consists of 50 percent melittin – a substance to which one in a hundred Germans is allergic. In the case of hyposensitization, the doctor injects bee venom. But it is also found in various pharmacy-only ointments against lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica or sports injuries.

These natural remedies from the beehive affect all functional units, all organs of the body. For example heart and circulatory system, nervous system, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system and metabolism and even the psyche. Medicine from the beehive is successful in treating around 500 illnesses, from A for arthrosis and respiratory infections to Z for toothache and tick bites .

Studies show the effectiveness of honey, bee pollen and co.

Conventional medicine is only now discovering how highly effective apitherapy is for health. A recent study by the American Salve Regina University in Newport has shown that natural honey even combats the dangerous MRSA hospital germs that are resistant to antibiotics. It does this by, among other things, preventing the formation of so-called biofilms, a collection of pathogenic pathogens, and by attacking and weakening existing biofilms. The bacteria in it can no longer release toxins and multiply. Honey also has an osmotic effect on the cells. As a result, the bacteria lose cell water, eventually dry out and die.

English scientists from the University of Oxford have now researched that caffeic acid derivatives in propolis, i.e. the bee resin, cause inflammation, e.g. B. in joints or the sciatic nerve inhibit twice as effectively as acetylsalicylic acid. And three clinical studies show that a combination of propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen significantly alleviates typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disorders and night sweats. New scientific studies on the one hand and traditional medicine that is more than 12,000 years old on the other: in between there is apitherapy, which had been somewhat forgotten since the discovery of penicillin by the bacteriologist Alexander Fleming in 1929. The gentle healing method is ideal for self-treatment, is very easy to use and has no side effects worth mentioning. So, please buzz, bees, keep buzzing around – for our health.

Honey: Sweet panacea

Bees collect nectar, sap and honeydew. In the honeycomb, special enzymes allow everything to mature into honey. It contains over 125 nutrients andTolfioow substances, especially fructose and glucose (80 percent) and proteins.

On the other hand, it works: numerous studies have shown its strong antibacterial effect. It often even helps where antibiotics fail. Especially with infections of the respiratory tract such as bronchitis, also with sinus, throat and bladder infections and bacterial diarrhea. For wounds and acne, honey acts as a disinfectant. It is also a top-class source of energy.

How to use it:

  • If you are exhausted: add 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of warm water. Drink 3 times a day.
  • Relieves cough: grind 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds (in pharmacies), brew with 250 ml of water and add 2 slices of ginger. Let steep for 15 minutes, strain. Add 2 tbsp honey. 3 times a day.

Propolis: Natural antibiotic

The ancient Greek word “propolis” means a gatekeeper. That fits: Bees nibble the resin from buds and tree bark. Together with their saliva, a putty resin is produced with which they line their honeycomb and beehive. It keeps bacteria, viruses and fungi away from your residence.

It works against it: The bodyguard against bacteria, fungi, even herpes and wart viruses mobilizes the immune system. It helps with colds, vaginal thrush, stomach infections, gum and joint inflammation. Propolis is balm for the skin when it has problems with eczema, athlete’s foot or neurodermatitis.

How to use it:

  • For flu infections: Dissolve 20 drops of propolis solution (in pharmacies) in 1 glass of lukewarm black tea with 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink 3 times a day.
  • Against cold sores: Drizzle cotton swabs with propolis tincture (in pharmacies), dab on the blister. 3 days up to 7 times a day.
  • For gastrointestinal problems: Freeze 50 g of propolis resin and crush in a mortar. Pour into a screw-top glass and pour over 100 ml of 70-90% alcohol (from the pharmacy). Close the jar and leave at room temperature for two to three weeks. Then filter out the resin residue and pour the tincture into a dark bottle. Take 1 teaspoon diluted in half a cup of water up to 10 times daily.
  • Hoarseness and coughing: Boil 30 g ground or crushed fennel seeds in water, cover and leave to steep for 20 minutes and mix with 500 g honey when cooled. Pour fennel honey into a dark bottle and slowly dissolve 1 teaspoon in your mouth up to 6 times a day.

Royal jelly: food of queens

Gain 800 times her weight in five days, lay 2000 eggs a day, live 50 times longer than her fellow bees – the queen bee owes these world records to the power shake royal jelly. They feed their daughters 7 times an hour a day with this sticky secretion of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, it works: The luxury food contains a neurotransmitter that makes us more relaxed, protects the brain from memory problems, and keeps the heart in rhythm. Estrogen-like plant substances balance the hormonal balance in PMS and menopausal symptoms.

This is how you use it: For the brain: add 1 ml of royal jelly, 1 teaspoon of rosehip powder (both available in pharmacies) to 230 ml of warm rosehip tea. 3 times a day before meals. For PMS: 2 royal jelly drinking ampoules (pharmacy) on an empty stomach.

Bee pollen for a strong immune system

A colony of bees collects 20 to 70 kilograms of pollen per year. They stick to the hind legs of the workers, who use them to fly back into the hive. There they bunker the pollen as their daily bread in the honeycombs. 100 g of pollen contain as much protein as 7 eggs, plus lots of enzymes and vitamins.

They work against this: the pollen are a top-class source of energy, they catapult us out of a performance slump. In addition, pollen strengthens the immune system, perks up a tired intestine, helps to build up a healthy intestinal flora and supports the liver, which protects it at the same time.

This is how you use it: For the immune system: Eat 1 tablespoon of pollen (in pharmacies) every quarter of a year for 3 to 4 weeks. Gives new strength: Mix 2 peaches, 1 banana, 1 tbsp pollen, 3 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp coconut milk for 3 minutes. Spoon smoothie.

Bee venom as medicine: It depends on the dose

Guard bees control the entrance to the hive. Strangers quickly feel their sting. Even people who threaten them. However, only every hundredth person reacts allergically to the poison administered during the sting. Prof. Tautz: “Apitoxin can indeed bring about excellent relief in rheumatic diseases, in some cases even complete healing.” Even in the case of the autoimmune disease rheumatism, healing seems possible, because bee venom obviously also acts as an immune modulator and acts against the body targeted defense reversed to “normal operation”.

Nothing new, but a triumph of apitherapy in conventional medicine: Bee venom allergy sufferers expose themselves to the injection of sting venom as the therapy of choice. In this immunotherapy, also known as hyposensitization, the allergist injects increasing doses of up to 100 micrograms, which corresponds to about two bee stings, under the patient’s skin. The allergy protection of this maximum dose is preserved for five years by further monthly injections.

As fantastically healthy as apitherapy is, it can turn sensitive individuals into medical emergencies. “Apart from the consumption of honey or the application to wounds, apitherapy belongs in experienced hands. Bee venom in particular, but also the consumption of pollen, can lead to allergic shock reactions with serious complications,” warns Prof. Tautz.

On the other hand, it works: The poison melittin is z. B. in ointments against lumbago and sports injuries. Homeopathy uses it to treat rashes, sore throats and earaches. Some naturopaths use live bee stingers to enhance acupuncture. But: With its barbs it gets stuck in the skin, the bee dies. The doctor injects mini doses of the venom into people who are allergic to bee venom to desensitize them.

This is how you use it: Rub in a thin layer of ointment 5 times a day. Homeopathy: Take 5 globules of the remedy Apis mellifica D6 3 times a day.

You should pay attention to this when buying honey

  1. The quality of honey has been regulated in Germany since January 2004 by the Honey Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Accordingly, the honey z. B. neither substances are removed nor added. The manufacturer is only allowed to filter out pollen, but then has to market his product with the note “Filtered honey”.
  2. It is advisable to pay attention to an organic seal when buying honey anyway. This guarantees – legally defined – e.g. B. Foundation only made of “organic” wax to avoid any contamination, hives made of natural materials that cannot contaminate the environment or the apiary products, disinfection only physically or with approved means, no clipping of the queen’s wings.
  3. When it comes to the quality and purity of dietary supplements made from bee products, play it safe when you buy them from health food stores or pharmacies.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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