Avoid corona infection: The biggest dont’s for the immune system

A good immune system is important to protect against diseases. While many people heed tips for strengthening the immune system, there are also don’ts for the immune system. We tell you what they are.

The immune system is a sensitive and complex system in the body that protects us from infections every day. Especially in the Corona crisis, many people are concerned with their immune system and do a lot to strengthen it against diseases in the long term . But what things should I not do now to unnecessarily burden my immune system?

The immune system

The immune system is made up of various organs, cells, tissues and molecules. The immune system primarily involves the lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, thymus and blood cells. On the one hand there is the innate immune system (non-specific immune system) and the acquired immune system (specific immune system), which is formed from antibodies formed after an illness has been overcome.

What things do not strengthen the immune system!

Especially in the Corona crisis, many people strengthen their immune systems. What we shouldn’t do now:

  1. Stress and little sleep
    Working from home, running the household and schooling children and having fun in your free time can become stressful in the long run. In addition, there is little and poor sleep, so that you feel exhausted the next day. A vicious circle begins. The stress and lack of sleep are noticeable in the immune system, as it becomes more susceptible to pathogens. It’s better to try to structure your day and stick to a regular bedtime.
  2. Obesity
    Too much fat triggers inflammatory reactions in the body that can weaken the immune system. Even if you don’t go to the gym, now is a good time to lose weight. Sport can be practiced wonderfully at home or outside and a healthy diet has a double effect, as it strengthens the immune system on the one hand and lets you get rid of the excess kilos on the other.
  3. Alcohol and nicotine
    These two substances are real poison for the body. They inhibit and block the complex interaction of the immune system. Smoking in particular has a negative effect on the protective mucous membranes of the bronchi, so that inflammation develops there more quickly. This means that corona viruses can spread faster.
  4. Trust in dietary supplements
    Especially in times of the corona virus , numerous dietary supplements are advertised as strengthening the immune system. Turmeric, ginger and vitamins D and C are considered anti-viral agents. Although turmeric has many benefits as a dietary supplement and ginger can support the immune system, they are not a miracle cure or even a panacea. It is also often claimed that vitamin C can act against diseases. However, there are no scientific studies to date that prove this. Only vitamin D can demonstrably strengthen the immune system in the event of a deficiency in the body. However, it should be taken in consultation with a doctor.
  5. Exercising intensively Since many people are currently afraid of gaining weight, they exercise
    diligently. However, one should not overdo it and exhaust oneself completely. If you train too much and too hard, the so-called open window effect occurs, in which the immune system is weakened for up to several hours after the sports unit. This makes the body more susceptible to viruses and other pathogens.
  6. Too little exercise
    Even if our immune system doesn’t like it that much when we exercise too intensively – we still have to move a little. Too little exercise can also impair our immune system because important immune cells are then not transported properly through the body. It is therefore important to strike a healthy balance between sport and relaxation!
  7. Avoid fresh air
    The current situation can sometimes tempt you to spend as much time as possible in your own four walls. But that’s not so good for our immune system. Stale, warm air can take its toll on the body and make it more susceptible to illness. Regular airing and a short walk during the lunch break can work wonders. We also fill up on some vitamin D, which is also important for our immune system.
  8. Cold
    Once we start to freeze, our body’s defenses automatically slow down. Various mechanisms of the immune defense then work worse than at a normal body temperature of 37 °C and viruses have an easy time. So, always keep nice and warm!

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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