Strengthen the immune system – healthy through the cold season

Winter is the main season for viruses and therefore also cold season. You should support your immune system so that you can get through the cold season without infections. With just a few simple measures, you can effectively prevent a cold and strengthen your immune system. Here you will find the most important tips.

Prevent colds, coughs and the like

In the winter time, the hour strikes for viruses that cause colds, flu and also Covid-19. The result: a cold, sore throat and cough plague many people. Constant temperature changes from warm to cold and vice versa as well as dry heating air put additional strain on the immune system. You should not only strengthen this, but also support it with the right hygiene .

Thorough hand washing is an effective way to reduce the spread of colds and other viruses. Washing your hands (especially before eating) will carry fewer germs off handles, keyboards and other surfaces, giving them less chance of taking hold. In this way you can strengthen the immune system and prevent a cold.

Strengthen the immune system with fresh air

Especially in winter, the weather is often uninviting. Even so, you should go outside as often as possible . It doesn’t have to be a long walk. With the right clothes, you might be able to cycle to work or walk to the bakery to get the rolls. Not only do you get fresh air, you also strengthen your immune system by ensuring good blood circulation throughout your body. If the sun comes out during this time, you can fill up on additional vitamin D and your good mood will improve. This is particularly important during the short and dull days. Vitamin D is essential for the immune system and is involved in many immune defense processes 1. You can prevent colds, coughs or runny noses with exercise in the fresh air.

If you do sports outdoors , you train your defenses twice over, because the movement itself also stimulates the immune system. The body warms up and the mucous membranes are better supplied with blood. This means that the defense is already on the ball at the entry points for viruses. In addition, sport in the fresh air can not only strengthen the immune system, but also ensure the release of endorphins. The result: You are in a better mood and well prepared for everyday challenges.

Eat seasonally – strengthen the immune system

A healthy diet supports the immune system all year round. Especially in winter, however, fresh food is important to strengthen the immune system. However, the typical winter vegetables and other seasonal foods are often less well known or do not have a very good image. There are a lot of fresh products that are considered small vitamin bombs without long transport routes and long storage times. This includes, for example:

  • Winter vegetables like kale or Brussels sprouts
  • other cabbage and root vegetables and winter salads

The fat-soluble vitamins A and E are also important for strengthening the immune system . 2,3  Carrots, tomatoes and spinach ensure, among other things, the supply of vitamin A. Whereas hazelnuts and vegetable oils (e.g. sunflower or rapeseed oil) are suitable for covering vitamin E requirements.

The fresh products also bring many phytochemicals , some of which are effective antioxidants  4 . In this way, they additionally relieve the immune system, which can then devote more capacity to fighting germs. You can also prevent the common cold with regional and seasonal foods .

Reduce stress – strengthen the immune system

Stress is an alarm state in the human organism. During the stress reaction, the body shuts down the activity of the immune system for a short time, among other things, in order to allow the resources to flow to the body systems that are important for fight or flight – for example muscles or the respiratory tract. Chronic stress therefore also means a weakened immune system. 5 You can strengthen your immune system for the winter by reducing stress . 6

The best way to avoid stress is to get enough sleep and also to create areas of calm in everyday life . Put the cell phone away, do something nice with loved ones or find a balance with yoga, meditation, autogenic training or alternative relaxation methods.

Hot and cold strengthen the immune system

Especially in the winter season, the body is exposed to significant temperature changes. You should therefore also strengthen the immune system with temperature stimuli. Sauna and contrast showers not only get the immune system going 7 . They also train the blood vessels so that blood circulation is also optimal on cold days and the immune cells circulate better at typical entry points such as the nasal mucosa.

If viruses then penetrate through the nose, the defense on site is immediately ready. You can prevent colds by regular temperature stimuli 8 . Make sure that you always finish with a cold stimulus.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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