Stomach cramps: causes, symptoms and treatment

Everyone knows stomach cramps. How the pain is caused, what symptoms occur and how you can successfully fight them with home remedies – we have the best tips for you!

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It pulls, presses or stings – stomach cramps are severe, colicky stomach pains that usually only last for a few seconds, but occur several times in a row. The spasms are so painful that the sufferer thinks something is tearing inside. They are annoying and occur differently from time to time, the particular cause is particularly important. The place where the cramping pain appears is always the same: the stomach is hidden on the left side of the trunk under the left costal arch. If you feel pain at this point, there is a stomach problem behind the symptoms. On the other hand, if the pain is deeper and more central, intestinal problems can be the cause.

Both the triggers for stomach cramps and stomach pain are often not only very diverse, but also difficult to diagnose. A disease such as diabetes , stomach cancer, stomach ulcer or gastric mucosal inflammation (gastritis) , infections of the gastrointestinal tract, an irritable stomach, flatulence, poor nutrition, alcohol, stress or medication are possible reasons behind the common disease. The muscles of the stomach relax and cramp, the person affected feels a sharp pain in the stomach area.

The sensitive nerve cells in the gastrointestinal area can quickly trigger cramps if they are highly sensitive to stimuli, which can be considered as another cause. Natural bodily processes such as filling or movement of the stomach and intestines are perceived as strong by hypersensitive nerves. The result: the nerve cells rebel, so that the affected person experiences pain perceptions such as stomach cramps or severe abdominal pain.

A tense or relaxed stomach musculature can additionally influence the development of stomach cramps. If the chyme is not transported properly, the pain receptors are activated and pain in the stomach area occurs.

Symptoms of stomach cramps

Typical symptoms of stomach cramps, in addition to the oppressive feeling in the stomach, are a feeling of fullness, nausea, diarrhea, belching, flatulence , heartburn , abdominal pain and intestinal cramps.

The symptoms can occur several times and quickly affect the everyday life of those affected. In addition, the worry of renewed complaints is a daily companion.

Treatment with home remedies

Do you suspect you have an illness? If the cramps occur regularly, seemingly without reason and over a longer period of time, you should consult a doctor as a precaution. The doctor treating you looks for the causes and specifically supports the alleviation of your symptoms.

If you want to fight stomach cramps with natural remedies and do without medication, then the well-known home remedies will help you. Natural remedies help in a gentle way. You can find out which ones work best on the following pages.


If you suffer from recurring stomach cramps or stomach pains, regular intake of fennel, chamomile, peppermint, caraway, ginger, coriander and sea buckthorn oil can help. They are considered effective, old home remedies and are very helpful in calming the stomach.


The blue-black berries have a strong germicidal effect and antispasmodic properties. They are preferably used in the form of tea or pure. To do this, carefully chew two to three dried berries on an empty stomach.


The herb is an effective natural remedy. Due to the high content of bitter substances, it eliminates stomach cramps, stomach pains, gall bladder problems and flatulence. The remedy is used as a tea, drops or in tablets.


This herb should also not be missing in the kitchen or in the pharmacy cupboard – basil. It contains essential oils in the leaves, including linalool, estragole and tannins, which relieve stomach cramps. To do this, grate the leaves and massage your stomach with the mass.

dill wine

Dill also provides relief with its essential oil. Crush a teaspoon of dill seeds in a mortar and boil them with a cup of white wine and a cup of water. Let it stand for ten minutes, pour off the brew and drink a glass three times a day before meals.


Heat often helps – also against stomach cramps. Whether a hot-water bottle, a warm bath, a warm cherry stone pillow or warm herbal teas with an antispasmodic effect, such as a cup of chamomile tea. Heat has a beneficial effect, promotes blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. Drink the tea while it is still warm and in small sips. Drinking plenty of fluids can help with severe stomach pain, but some sufferers can’t keep a sip of water in their bodies.


Stretch your stomach and make a small bridge. To do this, lie relaxed on your back, put your legs hip-width apart and put your arms next to your body. Lift your butt as high as possible and keep your shoulders on the floor. Breathe in deeply as you lift your buttocks and exhale as you slowly lower your buttocks and lay them briefly on the floor. Repeat the exercise about ten times.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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