Every woman knows at least one friend who euphorically announced around the New Year: “Some things will change for me . ” Five kilos will be down by March, you’ll see!” By now most people probably wish she had bought a motorbike. For more fun in life. Because after weeks of abstinence and brave attempts at sport, the weight loss success is manageable, the girlfriend reacts increasingly irritated to everything and everyone – and thinks about making it a little easier with diet pills. “Up to three kilos less in a week,” promise the manufacturers. And that the fat pads also accumulate with “normal nutrition“ dilute. Can that be true?
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How easy can losing weight even be?
To find out, we took a close look at the common active ingredients in over-the-counter diet preparations – and asked the physician and biologist Dr. Stefan Engeli from the Institute for Clinical Pharmacology at the Hannover Medical School, member of the scientific advisory board of the German Obesity Society. His verdict in advance: “The means are often expensive and, as a study by the University of Göttingen showed, often ineffective. In rare cases, dangerous side effects can even occur.” So you have to look very closely!
Fill the stomach before eating
Fill the stomach before eating
THE PROMISE OF THE MANUFACTURERS : Take the capsules half an hour before eating, then the feeling of satiety sets in faster – and you take in fewer calories.
USED ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: The products contain swelling substances from algae as in “CM3 Alginat”, guar flour as in “Figur-Verlan” or konjac extract, also called devil’s tongue, as in “Bionorm”.
HOW IT WORKS : The capsules swell up in the stomach, which reports “full and full” to the brain. In addition, digestion is slowed down. Smaller studies with algae-based preparations show that this works. However, significant and long-term weight loss can only be achieved in combination with a change in diet. However, the manufacturers only point this out in the small print.
SIDE EFFECTS : If you don’t drink enough, you can get constipation from the bulking agents, in the worst case an intestinal blockage. People with narrowing of the esophagus, stomach or intestines should not use these drugs.
CONCLUSION : If you don’t change your eating habits, you’re throwing the money for stomach fillers out the window.
Just burn the fat
Just burn the fat
THE PROMISE OF THE MANUFACTURERS : Taken before or with meals, these capsules are said to increase fat burning and calorie consumption.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS USED : Many products contain L-carnitine and linoleic acid (CLA) as in “Figure Active”, pineapple or papaya enzymes as in “Weight Balance Papaya Chewable Tablets” or bitter orange and artichoke extract. Chinese herbal mixtures such as “LiDa” and fat burners from the Internet are mostly based on ephedra herb (Ma Huang) or sibutramine – both active ingredients are not permitted in Germany; often they contain large amounts of caffeine, kola nut or guarana.
HOW IT WORKS : Linoleic acid is said to reduce the storage of fat in the body. However, this could not be clearly proven in studies. Artichoke extracts or enzymes stimulate digestion, but do not help with obesity. The active ingredients of fat burners from the Internet are different: the drugs ephedrine (from ephedra) and sibutramine alarm the nervous system and accelerate the metabolism. Caffeine, kola nut and guarana further enhance the stimulating effect. This “boost of activity” also curbs appetite.
SIDE EFFECTS : Increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, nervousness, cardiac arrhythmias.
CONCLUSION : You lose kilos, but you have to reckon with dangerous side effects. Not recommendable! At best, the funds are ineffective. In the worst cases, such as fat burners with illicit mixed sibutramine or ephedra, they can be fatal.
Consume less fat
Consume less fat
THE PROMISE OF THE MANUFACTURERS : Usually taken with food, the pills block the absorption of fat in the intestine.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS USED : The products contain chitosan as in “Formoline L112”, orlistat as in “Alli” or prickly pear extract.
HOW IT WORKS : Chitosan, also known as polyglucosamine, and fig extracts are said to bind part of the fat contained in food before the body can absorb it. However, studies with chitosan in high fat consumption show no weight loss success. The intake only has a positive effect if you eat low-fat at the same time. The active ingredient orlistat interferes with fat digestion, so that around 25 percent of the fats in the diet are not absorbed – this has been proven by studies.
SIDE EFFECTS : Those who take orlistat and eat too much fat can get uncontrollable, fatty diarrhea – very uncomfortable. Bloating and abdominal pain are common.
CONCLUSION : According to studies, orlistat brings about three to four kilos of additional weight loss and “educates” about low-fat nutrition, but only over a period of six months. For comparison: Anyone who goes for a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day without changing their eating habits has burned two kilograms of fat after six months, completely free of charge and without any side effects.
Water gone, pounds gone
Water gone, pounds gone
THE PROMISE OF THE MANUFACTURERS : Taken with food or once a day, these remedies are said to reduce water retention and constipation – the weight goes down, the stomach flattens out.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS USED : Nettle or birch leaves as in “Biofax” are draining, castor oil or bisacodyl as in “Bekunis Dragees” are draining.
HOW IT WORKS : The active ingredients stimulate the activity of the kidneys and intestines, often with resounding success.
SIDE EFFECTS : Regularly taken diuretics and laxatives can disturb the water and mineral balance of the body. This leads to sluggishness and circulatory problems – and possibly the reverse effect: constant constipation.
CONCLUSION : Dehydration pills are simply superfluous. Healthy people don’t have “water retention” at all, and the fat deposits don’t go away. Laxatives should only be taken under medical supervision and only if you are constipated. On the other hand, drinking a lot, moving around a lot and eating a lot of roughage also helps – this way you lose some fat and weight at the same time.
Don’t eat, just drink
Don’t eat, just drink
THE PROMISE OF THE MANUFACTURERS : The drinks replace the usual meals. Hunger and the yo-yo effect should not occur.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS USED : The powder mixtures for mixing consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The meal replacement, also known as “Formula diet”, must comply with the diet regulation. This ensures a sensible composition.
HOW IT WORKS : The body doesn’t need more than what’s in the drinks. When the drinks completely replace food, significant weight loss can result.
CONCLUSION : The formula diets can help reduce calorie intake at individual meals. However, long-term success in losing weight can only be achieved if you change your diet and exercise behavior at the same time. If you eat as before after the powder diet, the yo-yo effect occurs, which experts say is significantly more harmful to your health than moderate obesity. A complete diet with formula diets only makes sense for sick people who, for example, need to lose weight quickly before an operation.
Slim on prescription
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PRESCRIPTION PILLS : Some diet pills may only be prescribed by a doctor. These medicines are reserved for people who are morbidly overweight (BMI greater than 35). The product “Xenical”, for example, contains twice as much orlistat as the over-the-counter “Alli”. Others, like Antiadipositum x112 or Boxogetten S, contain appetite suppressants. They affect the nervous system, and the long list of their side effects, some of which are frightening, ranges from irritability to high blood pressure and tachycardia to psychotic breaks. The intake of these preparations is only permitted under medical supervision.