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Restless Legs Syndrome has nothing to do with jitters and excitement. The “restless legs” sometimes cause those affected pain and make rest periods torture. Women are particularly often affected. Here we reveal the symptoms of restless legs syndrome.
What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
Restless Legs Syndrome is a neurological disorder. The urge to move and painful sensations in the legs characterize the sensorimotor disorder. The nerve disease is one of the most common in Germany. Between 7 and 10 percent of the population suffers from the symptoms. Incidentally, women are most frequently affected, making up around two-thirds of those affected. For those affected, periods of rest are particularly painful. Only with movement of the legs can the complaints in the legs be counteracted. Restless Legs Syndrome can occur as a separate condition. “Restless legs” are also known to occur during pregnancy or in connection with migraines.
Restless Legs Syndrome and Migraines
New evidence points to a link between restless legs syndrome, migraines and vitamin D deficiency. Comparative studies found that migraine sufferers with vitamin D deficiency had a five times higher risk of also suffering from restless legs syndrome than subjects from a control group whose vitamin D levels were normal.
These are the most common symptoms of the neurological disease
1. Uncomfortable sensations in the legs
One of the most typical signs of restless legs syndrome is abnormal sensations in the legs. The neurological disease makes itself felt in many of those affected by pulling, stinging, tingling and burning deep in the legs. Cramps can also occur. The neurological abnormal sensations occur either on one or both sides and can affect the arms or chest in addition to the legs.
2. Urge to move and involuntary twitching
Affected people often only feel relief from their symptoms when they move. In most cases, the discomfort in the legs is accompanied by a compulsive urge to move. This does not mean that sufferers wander aimlessly. Rather, the legs continually rock, tremble, and twitch to relieve painful burning, tingling, and pulling. Many of the movements are also involuntary. Affected people also help themselves by stretching and muscle tension.
3. Sleep disorders and daytime sleepiness
A concomitant sign of Restless Legs Syndrome is insomnia and daytime sleepiness. Since the abnormal sensations in the legs and other extremities occur particularly during periods of rest and inactivity, those affected find little or no rest at night. Painful burning, tingling and pulling in the legs robs you of sleep , and recovery is then out of the question. The urge to move causes waking up at night and wandering about. Since the constant tossing and turning and fidgeting in bed not only keeps those affected from sleeping, but also their partners, relationship tensions are not uncommon.
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