Hashimoto: Signs and symptoms

The small thyroid produces important hormones that control our metabolism and other bodily functions. If the organ gets out of balance, it can lead to an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. Find out what the so-called Hashimoto’s is all about and what symptoms it causes.

About 30 percent of people in Germany suffer from a disease of the thyroid gland.  Hypothyroidism, which leads to a lack of thyroid hormones with sometimes serious consequences, is particularly common . A special type of hypofunction is the so-called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – the most common thyroid disease.

What is Hashimoto?

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own defense cells mistakenly target and inflame the thyroid tissue. As a result, the thyroid decomposes, causing more thyroid hormones to enter the bloodstream. In the early stages of the disease, there is usually an overactive thyroid gland  (hyperthyroidism). However, the destruction of more and more thyroid tissue leads to an underfunction of the organ in the long term – a lack of thyroid hormones develops and must be compensated for with medication.

Hashimoto (named after the Japanese doctor Hakaru Hashimoto, who first described the disease in 1912) has not yet been cured, but can be treated well with the help of administered thyroid hormones. As with many autoimmune diseases, it is not entirely clear why one’s own immune system attacks the thyroid gland. However, Hashimoto’s affects women more often than men. The following signs and symptoms are characteristic of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Hashimoto: 4 signs and symptoms

Hashimoto’s is often asymptomatic at first, which is why the disease cannot always be diagnosed early. After a while, the first signs that are typical of an overactive thyroid appear and finally the autoimmune disease leads to a symptomatic underactive thyroid.

1. Early stage: weight loss and sweating

Since the thyroid hormones get our metabolism going, Hashimoto’s initially high hormone levels cause those affected to lose weight, even though they haven’t changed their diet or exercise program. Hyperthyroidism can also be reflected in increased sweat production, increased blood pressure and hair loss or even tremors and cardiac arrhythmias .

2. Weight gain

If most of the thyroid tissue has been destroyed in the course of the disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis turns into hypothyroidism. The lack of thyroid hormones manifests itself in a sudden and unwanted weight gain. The inexplicable fluctuation between initial weight loss and subsequent weight gain prompts many sufferers to see a doctor. Hashimoto’s is usually diagnosed at this stage.

3. Severe fatigue

If we lack the driving thyroid hormones, our energy level also drops. Those affected are often tired, have difficulty concentrating and generally feel exhausted or exhausted. In addition, the heartbeat slows down, the patients become short of breath and are suddenly  more sensitive to cold . Due to the diverse and changeable symptoms of Hashimoto’s, an early and unambiguous diagnosis is difficult.

4. Depressed moods

Due to the fact that the thyroid hormones are involved in an enormous number of important processes in the body and brain, an untreated or inadequately balanced hypothyroidism can not only put a heavy strain on those affected physically, but also mentally. This is compounded by mental symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, apathy, and a fluctuating emotional state. It is not uncommon for Hashimoto patients to experience depressive moods or even depression. The hormonal imbalance must therefore be treated as quickly and closely as possible.

Book tips at Hashimoto

Would you like to learn more about thyroid disease and continue your education independently? Then maybe  “Power for the thyroid gland – everything for a healthy hormone balance”  by Prof. Dr. Michaela Axt-Gadermann is just the thing for you. Or would you just like to get to know suitable and delicious recipes for an underactive thyroid? How about the  “Hashimoto cookbook: The 150 best recipes for optimal Hashimoto nutrition and a symptom-free life”  from the recipe professionals?

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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