Flu vaccination: These side effects can occur

Anyone who has an increased risk of contracting the flu should have an annual influenza vaccination. We clarify how tolerable the vaccination is and which subsequent vaccination reactions can occur as side effects.

In Germany, several thousand people die every year as a result of the flu. If the course is severe, sick people can get pneumonia , which can lead to death. Above all, older people over 60, pregnant women, people with previous illnesses or residents of old people’s and nursing homes have an increased risk of becoming ill. The Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends annual flu vaccination for these people, which should take place in October or November. But even at the beginning of the flu season in January, it is still advisable to get vaccinated. The flu shot provides enough protection for the entire flu season. Since influenza viruses change very quickly, an annual refresher is advisable. The more people who are vaccinated, the less likely it is that the flu virus can spread.

Flu vaccination: These vaccination reactions occur

The flu vaccination is considered to be well tolerated. Various studies have not found an increased number of severe reactions due to vaccination. However, the stimulation of the body’s own defenses after vaccination can lead to vaccination reactions. Symptoms include:

  • Redness or swelling at the injection site
  • Pain in the vaccinated arm
  • Cold symptoms such as fever, shivering or sweating, tiredness, headache, muscle or body aches
  • People who have been vaccinated with a live, weakened influenza virus vaccine may experience a stuffy or runny nose.

These vaccination reactions subside on their own after a day or two and are usually harmless. Immediate allergic reactions only occur in very rare cases.

Flu vaccination: Allergy sufferers need to know this

Anyone who has a doctor-diagnosed allergy to chicken protein should only be vaccinated in an environment where medical supervision and prompt treatment is possible, or should instead be given a chicken protein-free, cell cultured influenza vaccine specifically formulated for allergy sufferers.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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