Dry spots, now and then slightly red and generally sensitive – if you suffer from sensitive skin , you have to be particularly careful when choosing your care products. That’s why our research for suitable products wasn’t that easy, until we came across the Kamille Borretsch care line from Primavera, which is no longer quite so new but is convincing. It includes the chamomile cream, the chamomile borage face lotion, the chamomile borage cleansing cream and the eye cream, also with chamomile and borage.
We started testing these four products. Sure, first is cleaning. This also works very well thanks to the practical dispenser in which the cleansing cream is located. It gets easily into damp skinmassaged in and washed off with warm water. The organic essential chamomile oil is said to relieve irritation and especially soothe sensitive skin. That works fine too. Then we reach for the face lotion, also in a dispenser. The dosage is not that easy for us, but the lotion still lands successfully on our cotton pad after the first exercise. We gently stroke the soaked pad over the face and neck and can already feel the calming effect of borage seed oil and jasmine water. Unlike usual, there is no unpleasant tightness, but the skin feels soft and supple. Then she gets an extra portion of care with the face cream. Tiger grass extract promotes collagen production and smoothes wrinkles, camomile oil has a calming effect again and extracts from Japanese honeysuckle, Siberian clover and Cyprus grass strengthen the skin’s natural defense system. But of course we don’t want to neglect our eyes. Just a small amount is enough to sufficiently cream the eye area. It absorbs quickly and we have no issues with irritating fragrances. On the contrary: Our sensitive skin area immediately feels relaxed and a look in the mirror confirms this feeling. Our summary: the sensitive care chamomile borage has convinced us and especially our sensitive skin all along the line! to adequately cream the eye area. It absorbs quickly and we have no issues with irritating fragrances. On the contrary: Our sensitive skin area immediately feels relaxed and a look in the mirror confirms this feeling. Our summary: the sensitive care chamomile borage has convinced us and especially our sensitive skin all along the line! to adequately cream the eye area. It absorbs quickly and we have no issues with irritating fragrances. On the contrary: Our sensitive skin area immediately feels relaxed and a look in the mirror confirms this feeling. Our summary: the sensitive care chamomile borage has convinced us and especially our sensitive skin all along the line!
Soothing chamomile borage cream, 28 euros, gently toning chamomile borage facial lotion 18 euros, gentle chamomile borage cleansing cream 18 euros, chamomile borage soothing eye cream 26 euros, all products from Primavera