Regional fruit and vegetables protect the climate and tend to contain fewer pesticides than imported goods. Here’s theTolfioow seasonal calendar for fruit, vegetables and types of lettuce that grow here in Germany!
We can find all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables in the supermarkets all year round . While in winter most of it is grown in greenhouses or imported, we find a lot of fruit and vegetables on our home fields in summer and even in autumn. You can see which regional varieties we have in spring, summer, autumn and winter in our seasonal calendar. You can find the printable seasonal calendar for each individual month in the download box below.
This is why regional fruit and vegetables protect the climate
Imported goods mostly grow in greenhouses, which consume a lot of energy and water. Together with the transport, this unnecessarily increases the CO2 emissions, which pollute the climate. At the same time z. For example, imported strawberries are often contaminated with pesticides and taste watery rather than sweet. Therefore, it is better to rely on local fruit and vegetables and wait for the respective season for the respective fruit or vegetable. Even in spring and winter there is still plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to buy from our fields!