Table of Contents
Make you blue
The gaze wanders to the horizon, where the blue of the water meets that of the sky: an incomparable feeling of freedom. The light wave spectrum of the blue-green-turquoise tones has a calming, relaxing and stress-reducing effect. One reason why psychologists recommend choosing “ocean” or at least blue for the PC screen background. Scientists Ravi Mehta and Juliet Zhu (University of British Columbia in Vancouver) report that blue stimulates creativity. “The color signals security, which encourages us to think outside the box and to be creative”. If your ocean view is distracted by clouds, Gavin Pretor-Pinney’s book Clouds That Look Like Things (Riva, $14.99) is a great source of inspiration.
Holiday breeze for reading
Eva Tenzer knows why it helps to escape into dreams of the sea. In her book, which is still very topical, “Simply hover. How the sea makes people happy” she gives many practical tips (288 pages, Fischer, 8.95 euros)
Florian Schmid-Höhne is a psychologist and was already intensively involved with the “sea within us” during his studies. He has now founded “Swellness” and offers coaching by the sea. “It has been my experience that very stressed participants seem like they have changed a short time after they arrive at the sea: I can literally watch them becoming more relaxed, more relaxed and thus more concentrated and receptive. By the sea, they can look at everyday problems with the necessary distance and work out sensible solutions.” Next coaching session on Sylt in June.
Sole for the soul
The “brine inhalations” not only have a positive effect on the respiratory tract, they also give a kick to the feeling of well-being. Add 20 g coarse sea salt (approx. 2 tablespoons) to 2 liters of boiling water and wait until it has dissolved. Hold your face over the steam and inhale for 10 minutes. After half an hour you will feel the effect.
The origin of all life…
… originated in the sea about four billion years ago in the form of tiny, single-celled blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) that used sunlight as an energy source. In this way, they were able to build up organic substances from carbon dioxide and the minerals dissolved in seawater. Today we distinguish between four families of algae: red algae (Rhodophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyceae), brown algae (Phaeophyceae) and microalgae.
Think about the vacation
Mental walk on the beach
Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Follow your breath, feeling your chest and abdomen rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale. Now imagine that you are walking into a dune landscape. how is the light The weather? Take your time until the sensual impressions appear in front of your inner eye. Now you are standing by the sea, watching the sunbeams dance on the water and listening to the calls of the seabirds. In your mind, you can always return to your favorite place…
My Sea
Celebrating Thalasso (from the Greek for “Thalassa” for sea) in your own bathtub is very easy with ready-made additives (e.g. in tablet form “Sprudelbad” from Dresdner Essenz or as crystals “Close your Eyes Organic Bath Salts” from Sparitual). ). Of course, it works just as well when you make it yourself and is quickly mixed with coarse sea salt (500 g) and a dash of your favorite oil or milk.