A as in beginners
Bring more exercise into your life now. The clear autumn air is pleasantly cool, so the sweating factor does not increase too much. It is best for beginners to train two to three times a week at a comfortable pace (see P for heart rate) in order to moderately improve endurance. A good basis to get off to a flying start next spring.
B for glasses
Drizzle feels great on the skin – not on the glasses. If the warmer breathing air then brushes over it, the glasses fog up slightly. You can get a clear view with an anti-fog agent applied to the lenses (by the optician).
C like cream
The lower the temperature, the drier the air. This removes moisture from the facial skin, reduces blood circulation and damages the protective oil-moisture film on the skin. On the other hand, a cream with a higher fat content helps .
D as in sags
Plan fixed terms, even short ones. Because once you start jogging, the fun usually comes naturally. Make a date, go to a jog, go jogging with your dog. Or persuade your partner to accompany you on the bike. So you are not alone on the road, and the bike lamp provides light. Important: always take your cell phone with you!
E for nutrition
Sport strengthens the immune system, especially in the cold season. Tip: Do not eat anything two hours before training, especially no carbohydrates – bananas and the like cause cortisol to be released, which weakens the immune system. After jogging, it is best to focus on carbohydrates and proteins. A porridge with fruit is ideal in the morning , and a light salad with chicken in the evening.
F for fluid balance
When you run, you sweat less than in summer, but you still lose fluids: in the cold, dry air, the moisture evaporates through breathing, but you feel thirsty later because of the cold. Tip: It is best to fill up your fluids before the run and drink 200 to 400 ml of water or thin spritzers. Refuel after 45 minutes of training, preferably 50 to 100 ml of water with some fruit juice.
G as in Basics
Endurance is the first goal of meaningful fitness and health training. The program therefore initially includes longer running sessions without much effort. Ideal: 45 to 60 minutes per training session. The pace is right if you can still easily talk to fellow runners.
H as in hormones
The stupid thing about autumn is the dwindling daylight: Due to the earlier darkness, the body adjusts to rest, the serotonin level drops, training takes more effort. But outdoor sports are considered by experts to be the best remedy against the blues, because the happiness hormone serotonin is also released in the autumn and winter sun. Studies have shown that running even helps against real depression because it releases other opiate-like messenger substances that brighten the mood.
I like infection
Running with a sniffle nose? If you are otherwise perfectly healthy, you can go jogging even with a mild cold. However, if you feel weak or really ill, it is better to skip the training. Tip: check your pulse after you have walked in! If it is unusually high, it is better to break off. In the case of a fever, there is an absolute ban on sports.
J for jogging high
How nice: Autumn’s feel-good jogging promotes the so-called runner’s high. This feeling of happiness causes you to run without much effort. For a long time, endorphins were considered to be the cause, but it is now clear that it is the phenomenon of a flow feeling. how to get it Without compulsion, with an even step rhythm. The pace must match the fitness level and the target must be within a realistic distance.
K like cold
The cool air may make you shiver, but it fuels your calorie consumption. Because your metabolism has to maintain body temperature. That costs more energy now. Nevertheless: Shiver runs are not suitable as a calorie killer. At most, you risk catching a cold.
L for running shoes
A sole with a good profile is particularly important in autumn so that you don’t slip. Special winter or trail models are also waterproof and still breathable. Caution! The high-tech shoes should not be put in the washing machine – this will ruin the cushioning elements and plastic parts. Better brush off mud or clean with lukewarm water and a sponge. Stuff wet shoes with newspaper.
M for sore muscles
Formerly, hyperacidity caused by lactate (lactic acid) was the cause. Today we know: The pain is caused by so-called microtrauma – tiny injuries to the fibers plus inflammatory reactions . What helps? Circulation-enhancing warm baths or sauna. Massages, on the other hand, are more harmful. Slow trotting is allowed.
N for nasal breathing
Often recommended but incorrect: breathe through your nose when the outside temperature is low to preheat the cold air for your lungs. However, the nasal mucous membranes are more sensitive than the lungs – so please only in summer! Tip: When it’s cold, it’s better to breathe through a cloth in front of your mouth, this slows down the cold.
Also worth reading: training plan for beginner runners
Fall running outfits
O as in outfit
Feel a little chilly when you start walking, but don’t freeze – then you are properly dressed . You develop the necessary heat while running. Smart athletes train with a light, breathable cap because most of the body heat is lost through the head. Gloves and a scarf help against cooling down; you can quickly stow both in your jacket pockets as soon as you get too warm.
P for pulse
Rule of thumb for women: 226 minus age = maximum heart rate (MHR). Beginners should train for 50 to 65 percent of them. This gets your heart and circulation going at a relaxed pace. Fat burning only runs at full speed at 65 to 75 percent of the MHR.
Q as in cross
-country When trail or cross running, you sometimes ignore paved paths. Instead, it’s across meadows, varied natural soil and bumpy trails. This brings variety and trains physical coordination.
R for regeneration
After easy endurance training, a trained body needs a break of around 12 hours, beginners prefer to treat themselves to a 24-hour “pit stop”. In this regeneration phase, the adjustment processes even give you a small boost in performance (super compensation). Means: Your body recovers beyond the initial level. A new training stimulus builds on this and then leads to an improvement in performance.
S for sports bra
Researchers warn against the sporty “hanging section”, because the average breast without a bra bounces up and down by about 8.5 centimeters with every step you take – a strain on the glandular and fatty tissue and the so-called Cooper’s ligaments, which hold our muscleless breasts. While a normal bra reduces bouncing by around 40 percent, a sports bra even manages 80 percent.
T for time of day
The best time for training is between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Then the biorhythm and bodily functions are adjusted to the willingness to perform. Don’t get frustrated when you experience a dip in performance during the midday and evening hours!
for underwear Thick running clothing that is roughened on the inside is usually far too warm for autumn runs. The trick to extend the season for your summer running clothes a bit: Put on breathable functional underwear underneath that also warms you up. Tip for frostbite: sports underwear with special merino wool, which also “breathes”.
W for Desired Weight
To lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 7,000 calories. A 65-kilo woman can do this in about 13 hours of easy trotting (8 km/h). If you want to lose a kilo per month, you would have to train moderately for about three hours a week. But that only works if you don’t eat more calories than you lose.
X for X-any
The running route doesn’t matter at all: on cold, dark days, asphalted or well-paved paths offer more sure-footedness and reduce the risk of injury. The cushioning elements of good running shoes protect against the hardness of the road or the frozen forest floor .
Y for yoga
Female runners will find the ideal supplementary training for bad weather days on the mat. Because yoga strengthens and stretches all the muscles that are important for running, thereby improving your running style. The breathing exercises increase lung capacity and thus endurance. Meditation stimulates metabolism and regeneration. In short: You will get fit for the next training session in a relaxed manner.
for layering principle Runners dress best in a layered look: one layer on top of the other. The colder it gets, the more “onion rings” you should put on: eg a breathable running shirt (do not wear a cotton undershirt underneath!), a fleece sweater and a jacket over it that defies wind and rain. It’s worth buying functional clothing that keeps you warm and dry without sweating!
Also exciting: 25 running tips – jogging made easy