What are rotaviruses?
How is rotavirus transmitted?
What are the symptoms of intestinal infection?
How long is the incubation period and how long are you contagious?
Which people are particularly susceptible to the infection?
How are the nasty pathogens treated?
How can you protect yourself from rotavirus?
Table of Contents
What are rotaviruses?
Rotavirus is the most common cause of gastrointestinal disease , particularly in infants and young children. The viruses are highly contagious, which is why many children up to the age of 5 years contract the infection. Protection against the pathogen develops in the first few years of life, but this does not last a lifetime. Multiple infections can therefore not be ruled out. In the months between February and April, the number of rotavirus infections increases. On the following pages you can read how you can protect yourself and your children from intestinal infections.
How is rotavirus transmitted?
Rotavirus transmission occurs in two ways. On the one hand, the viruses can be passed on from person to person, this usually takes place via a smear infection . Those affected suffer from massive diarrhea, which causes the pathogens to be excreted. Even the smallest traces of a bowel movement can be passed on to the hands. The viruses get into the human mouth via the hands and further into the digestive tract.
However, the rotaviruses can also adhere to contaminated objects such as door handles, toilets, handrails and fittings. In this way, too, the pathogens get through the hands into the mouth and further into the digestive tract. Also possible, but rather rare, is infection via contaminated water or food infected by the pathogen. In water, the virus has a chance of surviving for several weeks, in dried stool they are contagious for several days.
Pediatrician Dr. Michael Horn answers the most important questions about rotaviruses
In an interview, pediatrician Dr. Michael Horn, what a rotavirus infection means and why vaccination can make sense.
What are the symptoms of intestinal infection?
If you are ill with rotavirus, it can suddenly lead to watery diarrhea , abdominal pain and vomiting. There may also be traces of mucus in the stool. In addition to the typical symptoms of a gastrointestinal disease, a cold , cough and slight fever are also possible. The symptoms usually subside on their own after two to six days.
The disease is usually more severe in babies and young children. Due to the strong diarrhea and the unpleasant vomiting, they quickly lose a lot of body fluids. Circulatory problems, dizziness and dehydration are usually the result. If the fluid loss is not compensated for in them, the condition can quickly become life-threatening. Typical signs of dehydration in babies and young children include: high fever, a dry mouth and tongue, dry diapers for three hours or more, and when gently pinched and then released, the skin does not smooth back to its normal state. If you suspect dehydration in your child, you should urgently consult a doctor. You can improve the electrolyte balance, for example, with broths or soups that contain sodium,