Reasons to put more walnuts in Recipes

Delicious, versatile and heart-healthy: three good reasons to put more walnuts on our menu.

Crack walnuts more often, it’s worth it

Walnuts are super healthy because their ingredients help protect the cardiovascular system and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Both have been proven in studies. Anyone who eats nine walnuts a day and consumes 1.5 teaspoons of walnut oil prevents high blood pressure from rising to risky levels in stressful situations. That is why the EU has approved relevant statements on packaging and in advertising as one of 222 “health claims”.
Walnuts owe their positive effect to their special fatty acid profile: a portion of nuts (30 g) with a total fat content of 20 g contains 14 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The also very high content of essential alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) is good because our body cannot produce this important fatty acid itself. The bottom line is that the healthy fatty acid mix contributes to an optimal cholesterol level. Just a handful of walnuts a day (30 g) has this health-promoting effect. In addition, vegetable protein and dietary fiber support e.g. B. the intestinal flora.

In order to protect the walnut kernels and their inner values, store them as cool as possible (cellar or refrigerator). Then they stay fresh for about 6 weeks. Seal opened packs tightly or transfer nuts to airtight containers. Due to their high fat content, nuts absorb foreign odors easily, so do not put them next to odor-intensive foods such as e.g. B. Onions. Always chop or grind nuts just before use. When crushed, they quickly lose their freshness and aroma.

Walnuts are all-rounders, but go particularly well with strong autumn aromas. When roasted, its nut flavor refines salads, pasta and vegetable dishes. They are suitable as a crust on fish or meat and freshly ground in bundt cake or pancake batter. Whether in muesli or as a snack between meals – something healthy can hardly taste tastier.

The frost-sensitive walnut trees thrive particularly well in mild climate zones without late frosts and severe winters. In Germany, therefore, a few nut producers have settled in the warm southwest, but they achieve rather low yields. The most important international producer is the USA. Huge plantations in sun-drenched California offer ideal growing conditions. The US supplies three-quarters of the world market and supplies around 50 percent of all walnuts that we can buy commercially. Main harvest time: August to November.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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