Table of Contents
Bless you
Some studies have shown that certain diseases and allergies can be triggered by animal protein. In order to avoid such health risks, meat is not included in the menu.
A world without meat
Many people promise to lose weight faster with a meat-free diet and therefore go the vegetarian route
climate change
What hardly anyone knows: livestock farming contributes to a fifth of the greenhouse effect. And livestock is a bigger factor than transport. Vegetarians also want to prevent this by not eating meat.
A world without meat
factory farming
Young animals are locked in small cages, “farm animals” such as pigs live for one year instead of 15, and all animals are kept in minimal space. This is what factory farming looks like these days. This is against the dignity of animals and unacceptable for vegetarians.
A world without meat
lack of water
The production of meat, compared to bread or cheese, uses twice the amount of water. Water is a major shortage in many poor countries. Another reason to avoid meat.
A world without meat
Destruction of the rainforest
The rainforest – the “lungs of the world” – is being destroyed in order to create cultivation areas for animal feed. Around 90 percent of the rainforest is being destroyed due to factory farming. This not only has a lasting impact on the air, but also on the climate, our water, and the flora and fauna.
The consumption of meat deprives about a billion people of their basic food. Only through the enormous import of grain from developing countries is it possible to produce the quantities of meat demanded in the “First World”.
A world without meat
Waste of energy
A conscious diet without meat could efficiently save sprom. For example, if you eat 100 calories from a steak, you have invested 3,500 calories of energy from gas, oil and coal – which is an absurd waste of energy.
Bad mood
According to a recent study from the USA, changing the diet without meat can lead to an increase in mood. Due to the increase in arachidonic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid when eating meat, it can lead to negative changes in parts of the brain that are responsible for mood.
Worse sex life
Popular vegetarian ingredients such as spinach, oatmeal and wholemeal bread increase desire and stamina. It also ensures that the morning vapors no longer smell so unattractive. If you eat meat, your metabolism is often highly acidic and you sweat out toxins and acids through your skin. Which brings with it very unpleasant smells, especially at night, and can be a real pleasure killer.
Possible deficiency symptoms
In general, the nutrients contained in meat and fish products such as iron, zinc and vitamin B are important for the development of the body, especially up to the age of 25. Therefore, nutritionists are somewhat skeptical about the vegan diet. After all, this diet completely lacks animal protein as well as iron and iodine. This can sometimes lead to deficiency symptoms. Brittle fingernails, fatigue or loss of appetite are the first signs of such a deficiency. However, if a vegetarian eats enough dairy products, cereals, vegetables, legumes and nuts, nothing stands in the way of a healthy, meat-free diet.
Tips for a meat-free life
- offers a detailed search for vegetarian and vegan accommodation worldwide
- searches for a vegetarian or vegan restaurant near you in a matter of seconds
- shows a portal for vegetarian/vegan flat shares
- informs parents about vegetarian and vegan child nutrition
- offers an overview of vegetarian cookbooks and non-fiction books
- and are perfect for vegetarian/vegan shopping