Ready meals in organic quality

When you look at the shelves and freezers, you are taken aback: Now ready meals are also available in organic quality. We asked ourselves what that was supposed to mean and tried pizza and fries.

Mashed potatoes in a cup, currywurst in a glass – both in organic quality. Innovations with which organic suppliers drew attention to themselves at this year’s “BioFach” trade fair in Nuremberg. More than 300 exhibitors took part in the “BioFach” alone in the group of convenience (ready-to-go) products. “In the meantime, all standard ready-made products are also available in organic quality ,” says Petra Trommer, Head of Communications at NürnbergMesse. If you stroll through the long rows of shelves in the organic supermarkets , you will no longer just come across crunchy vegetables, wholesome bread and fresh eggs. The offer goes much further: Instant soups, frozen lasagne and pizza are available for quick enjoyment.

Fast food in organic quality
But does it really matter if you buy ready-made products in organic quality? Do these products taste different from their conventional relatives? We tried pizza and fish fingers in our test kitchen. Conclusion: The organic products often looked worse, but scored well in terms of taste. The fish sticks lacked the golden brown in the breading, but they tasted much more naturally like fish. The French fries also had a pronounced potato flavor but, despite the specified browning time, were pale in color and had a slightly wavy edge.
At the pizzathere were hardly any differences – at least in terms of taste and appearance. When you look at the list of ingredients on the packaging, it quickly becomes clear that it is almost twice as long as a conventional pizza. Thickeners, acidity regulators, hardened fats and emulsifiers have no place on organic pizza. According to the EC Organic Regulation, at least 95 percent of the ingredients in a ready meal must come from organic farming.
Additions of artificial flavors, colors and synthetic preservatives are taboo. Organic products are always manufactured without the use of genetically modified ingredients. Gentle manufacturing processes preserve the aroma and prevent major nutrient losses. If you look at the price, organic ready-made products are 50 to 100 percent more expensive than conventional convenience meals. At 4.29 euros, ten organic fish fingers are 2.40 euros higher than the price of conventional fish fingers.

There are a number of reasons for the higher price of ready meals: The production of the ingredients is more labour-intensive. Vegetables are grown without chemical-synthetic pesticides, so more manual weeding and tending is required. Organic fertilizer and natural pesticides are more expensive. “Organic animals” are fattened more slowly and therefore longer. They produce less meat , eggs and dairy products. Organic farmers and processors have to undergo strict statutory controls and also have to pay fees for doing so.

Even when it comes to packaging, organic producers rely on stricter guidelines. Their production must be as environmentally friendly as possible and the packaging effort must be reduced to the technologically required minimum. “In cooperation with our manufacturers, we work to ensure that ecological requirements take precedence over marketing-related cost aspects,” says Gerald Wehde, spokesman for Bioland. Poorly degradable plastics such as PVC and those that are produced in an unacceptably environmentally harmful manner may not be used.

Where is the originality?
In our fast-paced world, there are many reasons for buying convenience foods: saving time when cooking and shopping, being able to always have them in stock . But finished products no longer have anything to do with the originality of a food. “Back to nature” is one of the guiding principles of the organic movement. How does that fit together? “At Demeter, finished products were taboo for a long time,” explains Renée Herrkind, spokeswoman for the Demeter Association. Nevertheless, a “basic tolerant attitude” has prevailed here over the years. The consumer must be able to opt out at any time for Bioto be able to decide. Anyone who eats a pizza from time to time should be able to rely on bio-dynamic raw materials and gentle processing. With all tolerance, however, Demeter favors fresh food. “Our contract manufacturers offer ready meals according to the consistent Demeter guidelines, but our energy goes into fresh products,” says Herrkind.

Highest quality as a question
of style It was precisely for this reason that Demeter opened the first organic cook-along center on the Internet in February of this year. Interested parties who want to cook and enjoy together can meet on the website. What they have in common: Everyone prefers organic food of the highest quality, appreciates professional recipes and wants to have fun. Fresh, pure ingredients become a way of life.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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