Psoriasis: A cure can help

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is widespread in Germany. Around two million people suffer from excessive dandruff and itchy skin infections. Depending on the degree of severity, there are a number of therapy options – including cures.

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What is a psoriasis cure?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin disease that causes chronic inflammation. The skin is particularly affected, often also joints and nails; more rarely organs such as the kidneys. That is why psoriasis is not just a skin disease, but a systemic disease that can affect the whole body.
Psoriasis cannot be cured, but it can be treated very well. Today, the symptoms can often be effectively alleviated and more and more frequently even completely suppressed. Nevertheless, some sufferers suffer from the disease for many years. For them, the official AWMF guideline recommends, among other things, psoriasis cures in specialized therapy centers to alleviate physical and psychological symptoms.
These therapy centers are located in regions with special climatic conditions. This includes plenty of sunlight and salty and mineral-rich waters. There are health resorts suitable for psoriasis, for example, on the North and Baltic Seas, in Israel (on the Dead Sea), in the high mountains (e.g. in Davos in Switzerland) and in Eastern Europe (e.g. in spas in Hungary).

During the cure, the skin is treated with natural, dermatological and, if necessary, rheumatological healing methods. The therapy can be supplemented by psychological talks and training courses, since a long-term illness also means a great deal of psychological stress for the patient.

How do I apply for the cure?

A psoriasis cure is a rehabilitation service. If there is a medical justification, statutory health insurance, accident and pension insurance companies are obliged to cover the costs. Depending on the income, the insured person must make a co-payment.

The application for the cure should be made together with the doctor treating you. The doctor must explain the medical necessity of the rehabilitation measure to the respective payer – in most cases the pension insurance of the person concerned.

What therapies are there for psoriasis?

The first step in therapy for psoriasis is external treatment with lotions, solutions, gels and ointments. The remedies may contain active ingredients such as synthetic tar, vitamin D3 and cortisone (only for short-term treatments).

If the external treatment does not show the desired success, a systemic therapy in the form of medication is used. Since malfunctions in the immune system play a key role in the development of psoriasis, most medications have an immunosuppressive effect – i.e. they suppress the immune system. However, this often affects the body’s desired defense reactions, for example when you have a cold. Research has therefore focused on so-called biologics in recent years. These drugs are proteins or antibodies obtained from cell cultures that intervene much more specifically in immune regulation. They contain active ingredients such as secukinumab.

Another treatment option is light therapy with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In low doses, these light waves, which are not visible to humans, have a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes and autoimmune reactions in the skin.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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