Practice with depth

Balance pads and swing bars are ideal for back workouts, experts advise. Because they also strengthen the deep muscles.

We sit about a quarter of the day. No wonder that 80 percent of Germans have at least sporadic back pain. What helps above all is strengthening the deep muscles so that the spine becomes more stable. The “Aktion Gesunder Rücken eV” recommends fitness equipment with which you always have to balance yourself – this makes deep muscles fit.

Three examples

1. Keeping your balance
While walking, bend your knees slightly, place your right foot on an unstable balance pad (e.g. from Ai-rex), slowly stretch and bend your legs 16 times. change of sides.

2. Take off Please
lie prone on a balance cushion with two air-filled chambers (e.g. from Togu). Bend arms, raise. Tighten your lower back and lift your upper body as you exhale. Hold briefly, put down 10 times, short rest, one more round.

3. Swing loosely Relax your
neck and shoulder muscles: Take an elastic swinging stick (e.g. from Flexi-Sports) in your right hand and make a long lunge forward with your left leg. Swing the stick up and down evenly close to your thigh for about 1 minute. change of sides.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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