Pimples on the décolleté: These are the causes

We can get pimples not only on the face, but also on all other parts of the body – including on the décolleté. This can be very stressful for those affected, as the pimples are perceived as very annoying. Find out what causes pimples on the décolleté and what helps against them.

Skin impurities such as pimples always occur when pores are clogged with sebum and this causes inflammation. There are a particularly large number of sebaceous glands on the skin of the décolleté, which means that skin impurities can develop there more quickly. In addition, there are many different causes that cause pimples on the décolleté:

The wrong care

After showering, do you apply lotion from head to toe to moisturize and care for your skin? While this is commendable and correct per se, you can promote skin blemishes with the wrong products. Especially rich and greasy creams clog the pores. Therefore, use a gentler care product that ideally does not contain parabens, dyes or perfume. You can also gently exfoliate your cleavage once a week to remove dead skin cells.


A common cause of skin blemishes is our hormonal balance. Many women increasingly struggle with pimples after stopping the pill because there is an excess of the sex hormone estrogen. Because of this, more sebum is also produced.
Many women notice before their menstrual period that their complexion is deteriorating. This fact can also be attributed to hormonal fluctuations. Shortly before the period, the testosterone rises in order to prepare for the bleeding. The production of sebum increases and more pimples appear.


But the hustle and bustle of everyday life also affects our complexion. When we are stressed, our body releases the hormone cortisol, which in turn stimulates our sebum production. That alone is annoying – but cortisol also damages the skin barrier. As a result, our skin loses more moisture. To avoid dehydration, it produces more sebum.

The wrong clothes

If clothing is too tight or made of synthetic fabrics, it can quickly irritate the skin, making pimples easier to develop. In addition, the skin sweats more under artificial fibers, which also promotes skin impurities. Anyone who wears loose-fitting clothes and breathable materials such as cotton or linen can take appropriate precautions.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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