PCO syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and treatment

It is estimated that between four and 12 percent of women of childbearing age worldwide have PCO.
Read here what is behind the hormone disorder and what physical signs it can be recognized by!

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and describes a hormonal disorder in which many egg cells mature in the ovary, but ovulation does not occur. As a result, the follicles do not protrude from the ovary and thus change the appearance of the ovary like a cyst. The syndrome is triggered by an uneven hormone balance, in which more male hormones are produced. However, the exact cause is not yet known.

The three types of PCOS

  1. PCOS due to insulin resistance
    If the body cannot use insulin properly, which means that the insulin level in the blood is permanently high, this can have a negative effect on ovulation. As a result, the ovaries eventually produce less estrogen and more androgens (male hormones). The increased insulin causes the pituitary gland to produce more LH (luteinizing hormone) and less SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin, transports sex hormones), which also leads to increased male hormones.
  2. PCOS as a result of the pill
    If ovulation is suppressed for years by the pill, it can happen that the body is no longer able to regenerate. In addition, the pill is one of the causes of insulin resistance, which can also cause PCOS.
  3. PCOS caused by inflammation in the body
    Environmental influences that have a negative effect on the body, such as smoking, poor nutrition or an unbalanced intestinal flora can lead to the hormone receptors being disrupted. These inflammatory processes mess up the hormone system.

Symptoms of PCOS

​Cycle disorders
  • Amenorrhea (no period for more than three months)
  • Oligomenorrhea (fewer than nine periods per year)
  • Higher LH (luteinizing hormone) level than FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) level
  • Excess male hormones (androgens) in the blood
  • Multiple cysts on or in the ovaries, which are lined up like a string of pearls
outward signs
  • Hirtuism (excess hair after male distribution pattern)
  • Alopezie (hair fall)
  • Acne (face, cleavage and/or back)
Metabolic syndrome
  • obesity
  • diabetes mellitus
  • atherosclerosis
  • high blood pressure
  • Fat metabolism disorder
Indications of the PCO syndrome can be an unfulfilled desire to have children, obesity, increased blood lipid levels, a disturbed sugar metabolism or diabetes , as well as an increased anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). This hormone controls the maturation of the follicles. If there is too much of it, many egg sacs form. On the other hand, if there is too little AMH, the amount of developing stimulating follicles is reduced. Furthermore, acne, oily skin , increased body hair, dark skin discoloration on the neck, neck, under the breasts or armpits and hair loss can indicate PCO syndrome.

Cause of PCOS

To date, no exact cause of the PCO syndrome could be researched. However, scientists assume that the increased release of LH in the ovaries produces more androgens, which results in more estrogen. It is also suspected that several organs and adipose tissue are involved in the development of PCOS and that genetics may also play a role. Even environmental influences as well as lifestyle, diet and exercise are said to favor PCOS.

Diagnosis of PCOS

In order to diagnose PCO syndrome, the exact intervals between the periods as well as body weight, fat distribution and lifestyle are recorded. By taking a blood sample between the third and fifth day of the cycle , the hormones estrogen, androgen, LH, FHS and the thyroid hormone TSH are examined. A vaginal ultrasound gives an insight into the appearance of the ovaries and detects whether there are cysts there. Other possible diseases are also excluded. A so-called oGTT, the oral glucose tolerance test, is also carried out. The patient drinks a glucose solution on an empty stomach. The blood sugar is then measured at various time intervals.

Treatment of PCOS

Based on the current state of knowledge, a complete cure is not yet possible. However, the side effects can be treated.

Changing your lifestyle
As PCO syndrome often occurs in people who are overweight, a balanced diet, exercise and aiming for a healthy body weight are very important. Weight reduction has a positive effect on possible insulin resistance and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Vitamins and nutrients cover
Women with PCOS are often deficient in omega-3 fatty acids , chromium, zinc and magnesium . The liver suffers from taking the pill, for example, because it is constantly busy breaking down hormones. The regeneration can be supported with bitter substances from herbs such as gentian or dandelion. Bitter substances from numerous types of vegetables and salads also help.

Drug Treatment/Hormone Therapy
To induce periods , drugs are given that increase follicle maturation and the chance of ovulation. If there is also insulin resistance, medication to treat diabetes, such as metformin, is used. Hormone therapy, mostly birth control pills , helps against severe acne or body hair .

If all forms of therapy and medication do not work and the symptoms are severe, an operation is considered. Small punctures are made in the ovaries with special needles, which causes the hormone level to drop and a regular menstrual cycle to resume. This effect lasts about two years.

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At vital.de she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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