Pampering weekend

It’s raining cats and dogs outside and you have the weekend ahead of you? Fine! Then you finally have the opportunity to take care of yourself, restore your inner balance and recharge your batteries for the new week. What are you feeling? Do you need action or do you want to relax? We have suggestions for both:

The element trick: Good mood guaranteed
Use the power of the elements: The wind blows your head free and drives you on – on foot or by bike. Rustling through the leaves is simply fun. And when it rains, do like a kid: sprint over puddles and kick the water away so that it splashes. You will be bursting with energy.

Slightly foggy: heavenly peace
So that the transition from blissful slumber to the noise of the world is smooth: get out early in the morning when steam is coming from the damp meadows. The haze absorbs noise and creates a heavenly calm. There is something very meditative about diving into the stillness and moving like cotton wool.

Start-up help: stretch!
The night was short? Take it easy! Stretch out with relish. Then breathe in, straighten your body, enjoy the tension. Exhale and relax. Bend your right arm and left leg, breathe in, stretch your left arm and right leg. Exhale and relax. Repeat to the other side.

Dancing Queen
Whether to Abba, Madonna or Shakira – when dancing, the feel-good hormone dopamine bubbles up, which has a euphoric effect. Spin like a whirlwind, make giant leaps. Let your arms and legs vibrate in opposite directions – this brings the left and right hemispheres of the brain into harmony.

Drum massage against lethargy
You can knock away tiredness: With a loosely clenched fist, first rhythmically tap your left arm, then your right arm – from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. Then lean forward and use both fists to drum down your legs from top to bottom – first on the outside, then on the inside.

Bach flowers for inner clarity Insider
tip for everyone who easily gets bogged down: Dribble six to ten drops of “Crab Apple” Bach flowers into the bath water. The clarifying essences wash away your inner restlessness. You can also buy bath milk with Bach flowers already mixed, eg “Présence(s) Bach, No 1” from Les Fleurs de Bach, 200 ml approx. 20 euros.

Asian beauty trick: camellia oil
Asian women traditionally use camellia oil to care for (cold) stressed skin . It protects and gives the complexion a velvety shimmer (e.g. “Camellia seed oil organic” from primavera, 30 ml approx. 13 euros).

Why you should treat yourself to a break
Michael Schellberg Diploma psychologist and psychotherapist in Hamburg Environmental stimuli, flood of information and everyday demands – we have to cope with all of that. This often leads to stress symptoms, which can ultimately lead to diseases such as high blood pressure or sleep disorders. As a preventative measure, it is wise to take regular breaks and create relaxation rituals – and not just when you are really feeling bad. The natural state of the mind should not be one of constant alarm, but stillness and tranquility – like the surface of a still lake. This condition has receded into the background for many people. But it can be restored, for example through yoga or qigon.

Pink: A dash of color in the gray everyday life
Think Pink! Pink is said to banish negative thoughts and have a calming effect, while violet should give inner balance. Decorate the apartment with rose petals or hang up a flower poster.

The Tibetan foot massage with an energizing mountain crystal
makes you fit to go out (also in alessandro cosmetic institutes). Since, according to Tibetan medicine, life energy circulates in the body on invisible rollercoasters, the crystal should be guided over the sole in a figure-eight shape. This also stimulates the reflex zones that are connected to all the organs.

Finger play: Blossom Mudra
The Blossom Mudra helps to recharge your inner batteries: Bring the heels of your hands together, thumbs together, little fingers too. Spread the other fingers like a calyx and hold the mudra about a handspan above your head for at least 12 breaths.

Why does rainwater make the complexion so fresh?
Physicist and chemist Dr. Hans Lautenschläger, managing director of the cosmetics distributor KOKO Rainwater is the prototype of soft water, as it contains practically no calcifying salts. In contrast to the often hard water from the tap – it contains calcium and magnesium salts that can damage the skin barrier. Because it is produced by evaporation and condensation, rainwater is very similar to distilled water. Exposing your skin to the rain is a proven recipe for a fresh complexion. In addition to the moisturizing effect, the temperature effect, i.e. the cold, also plays a role. This stimulates the microcirculation, the pores narrow and the skin automatically becomes firmer.

Always included: tea break
To forget the noise of the world: light a candle and drink green tea. It develops its aroma best when you pour it with water that is only 70 to 80 degrees hot. Let it steep for five minutes, then it has a calming effect (with a shorter steeping time it is stimulating).

Sunny mood instead of autumn blues
Take advantage of the last rays of sunshine outdoors – light suppresses the release of the sleep hormone melatonin, which makes you weak and tired, and stimulates the synthesis of bone vitamin D.

no one is watching It’s time for a mask
. It can be pulled in while you knit or read. Ideal for dry skin: moisture-binding silk proteins (e.g. “Skin-Smoothing Cashmere Mask” from Murnauers, 2×5 ml, approx. 1 euro). Perfect for oily, impure skin: clay (e.g. “Cleanance sebum-absorbing peeling mask” from Avène, 50 ml approx. 15 euros).

What can you do if you also need a change of scenery?
Then it’s time to get away. Pack your weekend suitcase, close the front door behind you – and check into a wellness hotel. Hardly anything is more restful and relaxing than a weekend far away from everyday life and familiar surroundings. The best way to switch off is in a hotel that is located in a beautiful landscape, surrounded by mountains, lakes and forests. Whether you’re driving alone, with your partner or a friend, a 48-hour break pays into your recovery account. Treat yourself to a honey massage, visit the sauna, enjoy a regenerating, toning peeling with coffee grounds. For example in the “Lindner Hotels & Alpentherme” in the Swiss town of Leukerbad in the Valais mountain region (more at

Great Antidote to Sluggishness: Tidying Up Get rid
of the ballast: tidying up is fun. Muck out thoroughly: clothes, old magazines or dishes – a lot can go. Overcrowded rooms make you tired, promote inertia and listlessness. Anyone who gets rid of dust collectors, tidies up, throws them away and gives them away feels lighter and more free.

How to do it faster and more efficiently: tips for tidying up

The heat massage unfolds
Relaxed, stressed facial features: Rub your hands until they are nice and warm. Place them on the cheeks, over the eyes, the forehead. Stroke the outsides towards the chin. Can you feel the soothing warmth flowing through your skin?

Sparkling idea for domestic harmony
According to feng shui masters, (natural) incense sticks should purify an atmosphere charged with tension (e.g. citrus notes) and exude calm (e.g. lavender notes). Info:

Crystal Waston MD

Crystal Waston has a degree in Cross Media Production and Publishing. At she gives everyday tips and deals with topics related to women's health, sport, and nutrition.

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